Thursday, December 31, 2009


gooooooooodbye 2009!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!

I've been the mall for at least 5 times since December started. I think I'm getting sick of the mall.. even though they're different ones.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm so tired!

A week of basketball games almost everyday is so tiring! I can fall asleep with my head on my hand, just like that. I really just wanna sit tomorrow.. ): but I know I can't.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Basketball Tournament

South East has been the worst team we've played, so far. Not like they sucked but their attitudes is the worst. They're so meann. ):

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I freaken love basketball. Yesterday, after practice, Tiffany and I bussed it to alpine to play some basketball. Then we met up with some people and started to play games. It was hellaaa fun. Then we went to eat and I went back to alpine to play with andres, bryan, and andres's sister. Andres was teaching me these new moves that I'm getting better at. I'm starting to like playing one-on-one.. haha Then my dad came and picked me and bryan home. at 10:30! wooohooo! hahah. Todaay i met up with andres to play at the 99cent park and senh, kevin, stephen, and chris also came. I wonder why I'm always the only girl. haha. We played a couple of games and then they left. so andres and i were planning to go to yl but it was getting cold so we just ate dino's. Then I went to ct to meet up with bryan. but it was so cold so i just went to andres's house and waited for bryan to come with kathy. And andres had last year's yearbook so i was looking through it and it kinda surprised me how i didn't know so much people at the beginning of freshman year and now i am close to alot of them.. dang see what happens when you go to mt. gleason? hahaha.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Whutchu saaay?

I love that song. haha. I am sick once again but with a cough. I go on like coughing spasms. and that's not cool.
Well if you are all wondering what's up with my life, let me tell you. I am tired. It's the sickness effects. hahaha I just hope I get better by the next bio test. Oh yeah and black friday was fun although there wasn't much sales. Not as good as last years. UGH. I hate being sick.

Would you mind if I sat next to you, and watched you smile? aw so cute.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Uhh.. so I haven't blogged here for while..

I'll talk about last week since today's Sunday. Last week was my first experience at Hell Week but I didn't die so that's goood. I am, however, still sore on my left leg. But I beat Jesse in the race! yayaya.

I finally had a deep talk with Sophia yesterday and it helped me understand things from her perspective. I'm glad we talked. See what happens when you discuss things outloud? One down, one more to go...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm like a statue, stuck staring right at you,
Got me frozen in my tracks.
So amazed how you take me back.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I am here to announce that tumblr is awesome. hahaha.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Tumblr rocks.. hahaha.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


is slow. So I'm still going back and forth. I think how it's so weird when I talk to some people on aim, I get annoyed. But when I talk to certain people, I'm that weird daughter of my dad's that's smiling at the computer screen. Don't ask me who cause I won't single people out. It's so funny how I just get annoyed with just a hi. haha. I don't think that's mean or anything; I think it's just their attitude towards me that makes me think that way. I think I'm done ranting for now. That's all I can remember anywayss.

Hehe DAi Lo (10:47:21 PM): D= shes soo pretty tooo
cocopiez (10:47:22 PM): she's so pretty too...
Same time?
I think nottt.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Go to

Saturday, September 12, 2009


jenikuh (11:36:05 PM): your birthdays in about 25 hours<3
jenikuh (11:36:06 PM): hehe.

I had to blog this in blogspot too. hahhaa

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So Yeah

I'm pretty tired. And Jennika doesn't keep up with Blogger anymore. hahhaha

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day

First day of school can suck it. I need to change half of my class and it's probably gonna happen next week. Anyways, after 1st and 2nd, I went and talked to Jennika and complained. tehehe. AP Bio is alrighttt.. I guess. I'm quite happy that I'm in Kwan's and not Paulson's. Dang, some people trying to steal our spot on the steps. haha.

The Yuca modern dance meeting was longgg. I don't think I'm going to do it. It's gonna take alot of dedication and time. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be busy.

And wow, the manners of people these days. The INCONSIDERATION.

I hate the uncertainties and circumstances.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Mouse

I got this Microsoft mouse where there's two button that can change the speed of it. You can make the mouse go slower or faster. And I think that's how some people get such a highh score in Bouncing Balls in Facebook cause their mouse moves faster. I did not know that.

Today's the laaast day of summerr! Wow. Idk if I should be excited or sad. I just have this I-don't-care-if-it's-school feeling. Oh wells. I just can't believe that we have to dress for bball the first day. Danggitt. I shall clean now.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


hope that my classes won't be messed up. I heard our new counselor is gonna be a girl. Awww I liked Hernandez. Anywaysss Imma continue this blog laterrr.

So I just showered. And yes, Jennika, I feel like a traitor cause I made a tumblr. hahahaha. It's cause Blogger pissed me off okay??! :[

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The fires are hugeee.
The sky's orange with the temperature over 90 degrees.
I hope no more firefighteres die.
I hope California won't be in too much debt from this. ><

Saturday, August 29, 2009



Thursday, August 27, 2009


One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Today, after shopping with my dad and sister, I went to get ice cream with Bryan at Rite Aid. They had this one flavor called watermelon cooler. It tasted nothing like watermelon and it was sour. Along the way, I met up with Senh, Vho, and Andy and we all got ice cream! hahaha. Then we played one game of horse at 99cent park with Chris too. And we left. -___- Off to Dino's. I was still full from the ice cream. Then we just went to Chieu's house. It was boring so I went outside and tried to bike standing up. I got the hang of it! hahaha. We were all just standing outside talking and biking. I really want a bike now! ):

and Jennika, you broke my corazon.

I know for sure I spelled that one right.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Best Friends

You call me your best friend.
I call you my best friend.
Yet, you don't make the effort
to meet up once this summer.
It makes me sad that you don't try.
I guess what's when people change
and never look back.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


POSTS! wooooohooooooo! Bet you Kevin that you didn't think I would last this long right? The prize was ice cream sandwiches btw. started with me waking up at 9 to go to bball practice. I hate jumping fences! Thankyou Jennika for guiding me throughout the whole process. hahahah. Then we found out the other gate was open. -___- Wooow. Only 6 girls showed up! Dangggg. Make us look freaaaken awesome. Anywaysss, yeahhh we just did shooting drills. So tomorrow's the car wash and I don't think Imma make it at 8am. Probably like 10 or 11am. Tehehe.

I walked with my mom today and it was fun. (:
You guys should do that too.
Your mom's not gonna be there forever ya knowww?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hot Dogs

I met up with Jennika today at 7-11 cause they were selling hot dogs for 25cents. Whatta deal! Then we were walking to the 99cent park until I decided to sit down on a random bench and we chitchatted. hahaha. Thenn we went to the park and shot around until it was about 4ish. I had to go to Yuca but I was like, we didn't even get tacos yet! So we went to the restaurant across the street and I ate two. xD Then I bought horchata. I learned that you don't pronounce the H. So I've been saying it wrong for years. Chyeaaaaah. Yuca was boringg. Kevin and I didn't win the prizes. ): After Yuca, as I was waiting for a ride from Kelly, I played that game with Marco and other guys where you kick this hackysack ball thingy. It's pretty fun! haha

Kelly's mom drove me to Sian's bbq thingy. We uhh talked and stuff.. I attempted to play rockband but I sucked. Then I just played some basketball. Yep Yep. Byes!


I fell asleep at 4am. hahah Jess. I guess those two cups of coffee was reallyyy affective.

My legs hurt; I guess too much walking or just lack of sleep. Which one is it??

Hehe DAi Lo (1:36:18 AM): xiao your so
Hehe DAi Lo
(1:36:22 AM):

Thursday, August 20, 2009



I might just go insane.

I remember when I was a little girl and believed in tooth fairies. I used to put my teeth under my pillow and hope that the tooth fairy will come but she never didddd. I read this picture book when I was in 2nd grade and the tooth fairy looked sooo cool. hahaha. Those things don't happen. ):

I had a dream today! I actually remembered it. hahaha. I was playing an intense basketball game against Idk. There was a big crowd too. And.. that's all I remember. I must be missing basketball because why else would I dream about it? hahaha. That dream also made me remember about the car wash on Saturday. I haven't sold a single ticket. sigh.

Why is my font so weirddd??!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Mata Me!


I have turned into spongebob sqaure pants. My face is a rectangle!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Oh God.. Ma du May!! hahahaha

My tooth hurts so much.. and my cheek is abnormally huge. Pain relievers are my best friend right now. My dentist let me keep my tooth. It's huge! and I think some of my gum is still stuck to it.. Man, it took me 30 minutes to eat a banana; that's already cut in pieces! Aww..that youtube video that showed the whole process scared me shitless. Shouldn't have watched it before. ><

Great day guys! I hope it doesn't hurt as much tomorrow..

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Happy Birthday Kelly Tang!

Today was my first quinceanera. I'm not sure if I spelled that right.. Anyways, the mass was alright, although I wasn't into it much cause it was religious stuff. After that, I went ti Sherry's house so she can do my hair. Then we drove to Trinh's house and off to the dinner party. The main people danced so well tonight! The food was good. There was some humongous bread. You could say I danced cause I didn't wanna feel awkward. Then I tried to jerk..or shuffle.. I didn't know what I was doing. haha Then Sherry's mom gave us a ride home. My feet is tiredd. Sandy and Nicole left early. ):

Goodnights! & Dream about me <3

Friday, August 14, 2009

Oprah or Orphan

Aww man. I felt so dumb Jennika. lol

So todayyyy, I went to the mall with my sister and her friend. I knew that I was gonna get something from her cause she has monaayyy now. And I got a blue baseball tee from Forever21 from her. Woot woot! hahaha. It was all worth it. I saw some earrings for Kelly, but they didn't look right on her. LOL

Then I came home and Sherry told me what's gonna happen tomorrow. I used to do that for my friends; planning everything. hahah

Anyways, I have this feeling where Imma talk to Jennika again tonight. Oh yeah! I had a wierddass dream, I forgot but I think Jennika was in it. haha


I hate it when people throw tantrums.
I hate it when people talk dirty like dirttty crap about their "friends".
I hate it when people don't know when to stop.
I hate it when people don't appreciate the time you give them.
I hate it when people SLAM DOORS.

via Jennika. <3

5am? I'm down!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

And All You Know

Yesterday, Jennika and I planned not to attend practice cause we did nothing the day before. So I went to the library to pay off my debts. Then I went to Lincoln to get the World History book I've been waiting for weeks._. Afterwards, my parents and I went to our Uncle's house, which they just moved into. Then we went back home to eat dinner. Then we went to Jack in the Box to get free tacos. Later, we went to our Aunt's house, which they also just moved into and layed back.

Today, I went to "practice" but we just played a game where our varsity team is the refs and the coaches let us handle everything. It was disorganized, so Jennika and I went off to practice with coach K. Jennika was mad too. hahaha. We stayed after practice to shoot around for like 30 minutes and it was so fun.

I was eating dinner in my parent's room on their bed when I fell asleep. Somewhat unexpected. haha. Also! There was a car accident in front of my house today. No one got like bloody bloody hurt but the firefighters and cops left about an hour laterr. God, my sister is so annoying.

Monday, August 10, 2009



How the hell are we even related.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I'm not picky with food but clothes, yes.

See you at practice tomorrow Jennika!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I'm craving for Jennika's sandwiches right now. hahaha. They were deeelicious!

This morning I woke up with sore shoulders. Then, I went to bball camp at 9am. We just did the usual._, Then we had lunch. Then we just played games. So much for 40 dollars. Finally, he passed out gifts and I got a jumprope. Nice...

Woohoooo.. I am tireddd. hahaha

Friday, August 7, 2009


It freaken sucks to live in a place like this. There's helicopters out and I just heard a voice saying, "Please..out..back door..hold.." It was pretty incoherent. & I thought these only happened in movies.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Ugh. Basketball camp was dumb.

Michelle and I found out how hard it was to get donations from stores today .____.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I decided to play a prank on my mom. So I told my mom that I was pregnant a minute ago.
Guess what her reaction was?!

She laughed and said "hmm.." in that is-thaat-right? way.

My mom is so cool (:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'd Hate To Be You

When People Find Out What This Song is About.

Just a hot and tiring day. I don't wanna go to practice tomorrow! ><

Monday, August 3, 2009

What Counts and What Not

I was watching the tv show "More to Love". It's basically like a bachelor show but with overweight people. It's so good to watch some people with actual meat in their bodies on TV! When do you everrr see thatt?! haha. I like that show. Later, I was watching Dating in the Dark. I forgot what I was gonna say about that show..hmmm.. I think it was something with appeareance. I forget.

My day was alrighttttt. Gosh, I'm regretting take Alg2 in the summer. But I hope it'll pay off. After that, I went to bball practice and Jennika lied to me. hahah It's finee. Hated today's practice. Then Michelle, Sophia, Tiffany, and I went to eat at Mcdonald's. I just ate there yesterday..but I got free mochas. LOL

Say whatt?!?!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Woke up this morning to make lunch for my mom. However, my sister declares that she's gonna make it for her instead. So, as a result, she burned the food. Sweet going.

Anyways, Betty and I went to play bball at the 99cent park. I tried to teach her the basic stuff cause they didn't have a consistent coach that stayed for long. I would've played longer but it was toooo hott. The weird this was that we kept seeing this African-American hobo lady in a dress walking around the same block! She was also cussing randomly while drinking soda.. o.O Betty and I bought Arizona from CVS; 2 for a dollar! Damn, it feels good to buy a good deal.

As we were walking home, we came to the subject of best friends forever. Betty and I have been best friends since 2nd grade but known each other since kinder. We still are like best friends even though we go to different schools and rarely see each other. But it's so weird how everyone around us are best friends with people they met in middle or high school and lost touch with their elementary friends. It's quite sad cause those are the people that knew the innocent part of you beforeee you turn bad. I think that Betty and I are bfs because we know each other like know knoww each other since we've basically grew up togther. I don't think we've ever fought either...hmm.. I'm glad she's still part of my life (:

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Senh woke me up today to go to Noodleworld. We attteee, then went to yogurtland, and then cues. Then we went to VincentHo's house. After some soda, I went off to go home. It was suchhhh a typical day. Then, my cousin calls us and says we should take mom home and let her heart calm down. My sister and I freaken raaan there ( her work place is only two blocks away) because we thought something happened with her heart. As we got there, her boss was outside and said that she fainted. I bet you do not know how thaaat feels like. MyGoddd, I thought I was gonna faint. Then her coworker told us that she had low blood pressure. Wow, dude, I felt so scared.

I need to calm down...sighh.

Friday, July 31, 2009


are so stupid when there's drunk people. -__- Not even fun. So I went to Tiffany's party, left to play bball, which was fun. Too bad Vivian sprained her ankle. ): It was freakeenn hott inside the gym. Oh and Jennika can't make 3 pointers, especially nottt for me. ): That's right Jennika, Jonathan and Corrina only won cause we were tired and didn't wanna play anymore! I didn't know that Monica and Carrie works. They look so cool in their uniforms. hahahaha. Anywayss, I went backk to the party. And just sat there, ate food, talked with Michelle, and watch people get wasted. Waste of my time. At least I saw Ricky! I haven't seen him this whole summer, I think... hahahah He's scared of my daaad. LOLL. Oh Ricky, my dad does remember you! He remembered after you left my house. hahaha. Aaaaaand thanks Sophia :)

My sister says yes to texting. My dad says no. Usually it depends on my sister to decide these things.. but my dad is somehow so against texting. hahaha. He says it's like cable where when you get it, you won't focus on school. I guess so. I'm not so sad afterall. Whatevers, I save 60 dollars a year anyways. xD

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I feel so stupiddd for even hoping. Like I haven't leaaarned from before. -.-

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


My sister just asked me if I wanted texting! Wooowww!! I've asked her many times and got her annoyed and now she's asking me if I want textingg. Woow... a change of heart. Tehehe. All I gotta do is asking my dad. That should be easy. I am his favorite daughter. LOL

Anyways, in bball, I guess I'm in JV. NOOOOOOO! Damnit. All my friends aren't with me. ><. Also, I'll be the only asian if Vivian doesn't join bball anymore.. tear* tearr* And man, Jennika loves me too much. She mentions me in every one of her blogs. awwww. I hope Corrina doesn't get jealous. hahahahaha. And you're going on Friday AND Saturday. Okay?!?!

On to Alg2, I think the concept is not too hard to understand. It's just too much in one day that you just don't get it. ><. My dad askes me everrryday if I get the homework. Not in the caring and sweet way but in the way that makes you think that he's thinking that maybe you're too stupid to know the stuff. He tends to have that tone when he's thinking that I'll head nowhere in life cause when he askes me where I wanna go to college, I say I have no idea. I really don't; I have no special interest in anything. YETTT. I wouldn't say bball cause I'm doing that for fun and not for a future. The hell? Why would I? I just have no idea where I'll end up. Gosh people! Leave me alone! My mom doesn't even care. xD

I have this negetive vibe from this certain person... I'm not sure if it's me. o.O It's not nice to have this feeling cause I don't think I have any pork with anyone.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I guess I made someone's day today! hahahhahaha. I don't think my layup was thattttttt badd. It just didn't wanted to go a little higher. Not even like two inches so it can touch the rim. The ball hates me. >< Or is it just Jennikaa?? I loveee playing with Jennika; I still have to get even!

Monday, July 27, 2009


So sweet of Jennika to make a new blog just for meeee AND she blogs about me me and meee!. hahaha. And what? Corrina stalks me? How sweet of her too. (:

Today, I skipped practice to go to the dentist since my teeth/tooth(???). I found out that it hurts because my wisdom tooth is growing! But it can't come out cause there's no room that's why it's pushing the other teeth outt. T___T. I gotta take it out next month then. In the meantime, I got some painkillers to dull the pain. Muhahaha! jaykkk.

"Lil Wayne's teeth probably cost more than my house."

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's Up?

I feeling some strong animosity towards that sentence.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Holy shitt. Alg2 is getting hard.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

John Mayer

Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation.. so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type.. I'm like, hey girl, magenta! and she's like, oh, you mean purple! and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, no - I want magenta!"

Monday, July 20, 2009


If you don't use a fan or an air conditioner, which uses electricity, you learn to appreciate the little breezes that come by through you windows. (:


Ahhhhhh. It finally feels like summer. 85 degrees and plus. I hope I'm getting better at shooting.

Algebra2 is getting hard. T_____T. I do more homework in summer school than in regular school days.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

For Jess

Um, yeah, I got tired of my old layout so I changed it again. And this picture is for you Jess!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Yesterday, I helped Senh with the alg2 hw and he repayed me back with chips and a cookie. It was very nice to of him to do something like that. It's the idea that he did something without asking that got me. I was very happy. (:

After school, I went to take cues with Shirley, Shannon, and Jane for the first time! hahaha It's been foreveerrrrrrr since I last saw Shirley maybe Shannon too. The machines are timed?! We went to eat ramen afterwards and I bugged the crap out of the waiter. haha. Then I met up with Finnie and Betty at Gates and we walked around lincoln heights. Well, it was fun. I'm always the middle person.

I told my mom yesterday that she was very chill. She took it very well. hahaha. She understood what I meant by that. I just hate the way she wakes me up. She does this constant tapping/nudging, which I find very annoying. >:[

Thursday, July 16, 2009

SP 14

Algebra2 doesn't get hard in chapter 7; it gets hard in chapter 5! >< I can't seem to remember what to do first. lol. Just like in geometry and its proofs. I don't get this and it's "onlyyy factoring". T___T I don't wanna fail precal next yearr!!

So today's bball practice sucked. Coach Jesse helped me on my shot and it looks so much better but I gotta keep practicing that. It was boring too cause Jennika wasn't there. I feel so lonely there now. And then, during the scrimmage, I missed all my easy shots. Bad dayy.Two of the new girls seem very cocky. I wasn't like that when I first went to practice. -___-

Anyways, don't you get headaches when you think too hard? lol Everytime I do my alg2 hw. Sigh. More tests tomorrow.

Vincent and Senh is right; I need a life.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My dad asked me to call my sister at college and I asked why. hahah. He thinks I forgot that I had a sister away at college. Sooner or later, you get used to someone being away so much.

After Alg2, I went to bball practice for the first time since summer school started. hahahaha. Probably like 10 people go. -___- Plus about 5 incoming freshmans. Not even worth going. Only cause Tiff, Jess, and Cindy go. Supa Suppaaa hot in there. Finnie thinks we smell? Nahhhh, Jess and I don't think so. hahaha. Afterwards, we went to McDonald's and we alllll ordered a fudge sundae. I can't believe Tiffany and Cindy never ate it with fudge. And no, Tiffany, I will not accept the fact that you're changing schools. Yet. ):

I can't wait to figure out what's wrong with me, so I can say this is the way that I used to be.
~ John Mayer

Monday, July 13, 2009

Linear Equations

I will learn to love Algebra TWOOOOOOOO!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What Gives?

Today, I gave my mom a random hug. I know she deserves more than that, but that's all I can give her right now. I know how hard it is to work soo much for so little. You expect to be given more for all the things you do but instead, you don't even get half. I guess my parent's mind only have us in it, and that's why they do the things they do. I will always love them for that. I just wish I can give them more than what they haven't got. That's why, I will...

Friday, July 10, 2009

My First Bee Sting

I wonder why all these bad things always happens to me like Finnie said. I really wonder hardd! I was innocently walking with Sophia down the street to Yuca's luau when a bee landed on my shirt. I thought it was a left of some sort so I just wacked it off. But it just have to be a bee instead and my finger just have to happen touch the needle part. -_____- Man, Sophia wasn't even helping cause she was so scared since I was yelling at her to pull it outt. hahhaha. Then I ran to the closest friend's house, which just so happens to be Nicole's! She was my nurse for the day and helped my pull the red thingy out, put alcohol on it, and then bandaged it up. hehehe. Thanks Nicole!

The luau was boringgg in the beginning but then I guess the contests started so everyone loosened up and I met some new people. hahaha. I was in the watermelon contest, which was sooo fun cause I ate slow. tehehe. I love talking to Sandy. She's so funny and she fun to make fun of. Good job Finnie, for taking so much pictures of me. xD

Lastly, Goodnights.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Frayyyy <33

Half way around the world lies the one thing that you want
Buried in the ground, hundreds of miles down
The first thing that arises in your mind when you awake
Is bending you 'til you break

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


One day of no alg2 is like missing four days of regular school days. It's all for the work orientation too. I guess I'm not gonna work at Wonder anymore cause my dad didn't want me to work for something less than for what it's worth. He loves me. (: Luckily I didn't tell Marisa. I could still get a job at Lincoln with my sisterr. I never knew how much papers you had to go through just for a job. Brightened my eyes. So yep, my summer is gonna consist of alg2 and work; no bball. Sorry Jess. If you're going. No fun till the end of summer schoool. T___T

Oh wells, I'm craving for some star fruit.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I hate how ignorant people think that sunblock keeps you from getting dark in the sun. It doesn't!
It helps prevent skin cancer! So no matter how much you put on, you're still gonna get dark.
JesusChrist; get it straight.

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh That movie made me cry soo muchh; more than A Walk to Remember. Jennika told me that it was sad and I think that's what made me cry from the beginning. Crying in the theaters is not fun because I had no tissues and once I started I couldn't stop. -___-. I hate how Betty would start laughing to stop herself from crying! God! Why couldn't she just cry?! And you Finnie, I know you're reading this, I can't believe you didn't cry that much. So yeah, the guy that Katie [or was it Kate(?)] falls in love with was pretty cute but too bad he died and I was crying at that part! Cameron Diaz looked nice in that movie as a mom. But firefighters can cook. (;

Anyways, after that sad, sad movie, we went to eat. hehehe. Our tummies were grumblinggg. Then we went shopping around glendale..and more.. and some more.. I'm not putting details cause I don't remember. We missed out bus and Betty was pretty mad at Finnie (; hahaha So we ended up missing the Dash so we just decided to eat pho and then walk home. Finnie treated us! ahahah I thought she was just gonna go up to get the check but tehehe that's so nice of her. xD In the end, Betty's dad just drove us home. I feel so comfortable with those people. hahaha. I don't think I'd feel the same with others. Idk.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I think I should go to the doctor soon for some kind of checkup or something. I have consistent headaches even when I stay home all day. Am I lacking some kind of vitamin or something? I drink enough water... -.-

I am kinda excited to go to work this summer. It's something to get my ass off of this chair and away from dramas. haha I wonder if the regulars are still there.

CURRENTLY at loss for words. LOL

Fences = Jennikaaaa! (;

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Don't You Forget

The 794 apparently doesn't go to Glendale anymore since Sunday and it kinda screwed us over cause we had to walk on San Fernando all the way to the mall. Mad hot in the sun. I guess it was worth it. Hope you have a safe trip to China Andy!

Today I went to the market with my mom and dad. I found out that my mom is such a slowww shopper. She looks at everythingg! Literally! While my dad is rushing us, my mom is buying everything that looks cool to her. LOL

I know more about cars now. hahah. My dad's car speaker panels broke and he says it might be cause the heat. So I guess Imma have to try to find some for him.

There's beauty in breakdown

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Car Washhhh

= sunburn.

hahah I put on sunblock and still got sunburned. I never knew how tough it was washing the tires of about 50 cars. You have to bend over for everyyy tire and especially when there's a lot of cars at once and when the water people doesn't see you and hose the car down with you on the other side. I loveee how I can laugh at everything Jessica does. LOL. hahha Our little racist jokes with each other. HAHAHAHA. <3 Frosh/soph.

I think Imma start my summer walks with my mom soon. hahaha I feel so lonely at home. >< My oldest sister went back to college for summer school today and the other one is at SD for science bowl. Darnitttttttttt. So boringg too.

I have this feeling that this summer isn't gonna be so great. Hmm.. Anyways, I'm hungry and wanna change my song soon to Let Go by Frou Frou. Good?

Friday, June 26, 2009


ahhhhhhhh Summerrrrrrrrrrrr. It's been quite busy with my family. I've never realized how many chores are there to do in the house. >< I wonder why I hear firecrackers outside right now...

Anywayss, I guess YUCA was fun todayy. New cabinet but most of all I haven't seen most of my friends in a whileeeee.

So in yuca I unwrapped a piece of gum and was about to put it in my mouth when I suddenly dropped it. I think it's cause Vincent Ho was right next to me. -.-
Waste of gum. Darnit.

I must sleep early today. Too tired. (:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Last Day!

Last dayy of my freshmannnnnnnnn yearrrrrrrr! hahaha It didn't feel any different from a regular day. So yeaaaahh Wong's finals would not help me get an A so IDC! But I do want my flashcards back from De Puaw..

So Jonathan basically tricked everyone today. Even me about moving but I just played along the rest of the period. hahaha. Man, our coah doesn't even give us a break and makes us play bball for the whole two hours. I think they ruin the game for me, especially the fun.

Afterschool today, we played twister at Sophia's housee. haha like two games. Then we went off to rent two movies. Blindness and One Missed Call. OMGG. I wasted two hours on that pointless movie called Blindness. All I got from it is that it made me hate guys more. Sorry dudes. By the time that movie was over, I somehow got another headache and kinda went to sleep while they watch One Missed Call. Luckily I didn't watch it cause they told me that was stupid too. hahahah.

Yay! BBQ at Bryan's tomorrow. I kinda can't wait cause I haven't hung out with him and Julie in a longgg time. I miss it. ):

School's over but it still haven't hit me yet. The heat has though.

Yesterday I got lost in the circus feeling like such a mess.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I just had this crazy urge to blog. LOL. I was just reading and it occurred to me that school's gonna be over in about TWO DAYS!

Hmm.. today I got new speakers at Fry's fr $30 and I would say that's a pretty darn good price for two of those side thingys and a bass or a base. Whatever it's called and for the first time, I heardddd the bases so clearrr. It's pretty amazing. Makes me wanna never turn off my computer so I can listen to music 24/7.

Anyways, geometry finals was hard for me. I have no idea why cause last semester's final was pretty easy. I guess there was more work to do..

The book Impossible is interestingg. hahaha. But I'd rather read Something Borrowed which I saw at Target today. Imma just borrow it from the library than buy it. hehehehe

Have you ever had the chest pains where you can't breathee? I think Imma go to the doctor's for a checkup cause I can't seem to breathe without yawning or taking those deeeeep breathes. FML.

Man, I feel so guilty for making my dad worry so much. Sighhh. It hurts too.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Ugh. It makes me so frustrated when one depends on the other constantly.

I realized that I walk in a languid manner. Long steps but languidly. ><

I feel like I have to eat all the chocolate brownie ice cream at Rite Aid before other people eat them all. LOL

YESSS! One more week of school and it's overrrrrrrrrrr. I have so much plan over the summer like: school, work on bball, work, and of course have fun. hahah. Seems like alot to me.

Well, our coach is in the hospital? I guess that's why half of us run outside and half gets the gym. Freaken Plesia makes us work harder than I ever did in Huff's pe class. I needa get in condition! AIYAH!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Team Butterflies!

Mammoth was awesome. Too tired to blogg. Tomorrow maybee. (:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

All At Once

This weather is freakenn weirddddd. I hate itt. The cold sucks.

Anyways, mammoth is this weekend! I've been waiting for this time away from school. But I'm gonna miss playing bball on Saturday. ><. I'm actually fine with my group "Butterflies". hahah Except for this one dude that's reallyyy annoying. Not even the funny annoying but the annoying annoying. The gauche type. I started packing today and I had no ideaaa what type of things to bring. Like this or...that?

Hmm.. so me and Sophia are gonna room it with Lisa Ma and another person whom I have no idea yet. I don't mind anyone really.. I need some batteries for the flashlight.

Wow, my dad is coming home earlier from now on. At around 8:30! That's really early and he just keeps telling us to take showers when we don't usually do it before 9. More nagging?

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the samee

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

That Fool

Dudeeee, explaining the way our school and the complications of my life to my dad is VERY hard. He doesn't really understand how some things that I explain to him works but he tries his best and I try my best to say it in chinese. >< Anyways, I might work again. YESS. I really like working at Wonder Bakery. hehehe

Tonight's Spring Dance thingy was pretty cool. Sophia was the ONLY asain there in the whole program. hahahah. I checked twice. I never knew that our dance teams were that good.

Dinner was good.

Ricky has strong taste buds. hahaha. It was lemony huh?

Friday, May 29, 2009


my right wrist hurts.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Yay! Finnie won newsletter. Finally, she can put pictures of me in it. YESSSS. Well today was actually the best day I ever had at Yuca cause I stayed after waiting for Finnie. I was actually socializing with other people. hahaha

And Jess, I still want an exchange. I'll wear it tomorrow so you can see the nastiness. hehe

Monday, May 25, 2009


Omgosh, my dad just came home about 20 minutes ago. He came to the living smiling so big and happy. I knew something was up! So I asked him why are you so happy today?? He just said nothing nothinggg. Then he asked my sister what she was gonna do. And she said she's going to field trip tomorrow. He askes her how much money do you need. She says none. And then he says Come on, I just wanna give you some money. And then I said, I know what's up! You got paid todayyy! hahahah And he started laughing and saying yess. Man, money can make my dad so happy. xDD

Saturday, May 23, 2009

City Walk

Tomorrow's Andy's bday; so Finnie and I went to City Walk with other people. And I mean like 20 other people. I had fun, I mean so much people there and it's for the birthday kid. You can't not have fun and be a party pooper. We watched Terminator Salvation. Prettyy okay; not bad, not great. My sister was right about City Walk, kinda boring and you just walk. hahah

After the movie and eating at Tommy's, Finnie and I left at 5 so we can go home to watch the Laker game, which they won! If it wasn't for me, Finnie would've gotten lost at the City Walk and if it wasn't for her, I would've gotten lost in the train station. LOL. Anyways,we stopped by Alpine, bought ice, and played a little bit of bball. We forgot that the bus stops running at 6 on weekends! So we had to walkkkkk hommmeeeee. But on the way, there was this guy across the street and Finnie and I were kinda playing a game where he can't be ahead of us. hahaha. We were late to the game but as we were walking home, we passed by a bar and I saw a tv in there. So we went inside to watch it a bit just for the time and score. It was cool cause we were outside trying to loook and this dude comes out with his phone and sees us then tells us to go in while there's a sign on the door saying "Under 21 not allowed in this bar" But we go in anyways and this other dude tells us to sit down and watch the game! We went wooow, they didn't even try to kick us out. Sweeeet.

As I'm walking down my street, I see the liqour store people playing football in the street and I play with them for a bit. Well, I basically play with Samuel only. hahah I didn't know the others. They were also playing water balloons and I got wet by Sammy. It was a nice way to end the day.

Hm. I am hoping quite hard that I didn't throw away a letter while cleaning up yesterday. It's supposedly to the bank.. huh...crosses fingers*

Friday, May 22, 2009


Woooow, I haven't blogged for almosttttt a week. Is this the longest I've been not blogging?

Lemme start. Monday's finale episode of One Tree Hill was awesomeee! I love happy endings especially now that Brooke and Julian are together such like Blair and Chuck in GG. Uhhhh, the CST's went okaayyyyy; I hated the chemistry part cause I didn't know 3/4 of it. Blame Logan!

The Magnet Banquet was fun, I guess. Pretty dim though. Since I sat kinda far, we couldn't really listen to what they were saying but I got my certificates and stuff. The food was not soo greattt. Chicken patty with tomatoe sauce?? The pasta was good however. Kevin took my LAST LEMONNNNN for the ice teaaaa! Omgosh. I had to steal one from Nicole's table. Anyways, I saw Francis and Ana! They were there for Authur's sister and Francis is taller than me now! Damnit. It was so nice seeing everyone so dressed up like WDK, Nicole, Carrie, Sandy, Jonathan, Authur, Kevin, Ken and so on... See how I put the girls first? xD

I don't like our sweaters for bball! I mean the front is like a little corner and the font isn't even nice. It's like fading white with black inside. Not exactly pretty.

So yeah, my sister came home for the three-day-weekend and she brought along two of her roomates. Now, my mom kicked me out of my bed and I have to sleep in my parent's room since my bed is big enough for both of them. It's gonna be a longg weekendd. I came home from a mininum day and I had to clean! So tired but it was all worth it cause I got a watermelon slush and more to come... yesssss.

Shoutout to Jessica! ;)
Which reminds me. Jessica, during the magnet banquet, they had a slideshow with pictures of magnet people and then Maria put the bball picture of me and you! I had to tell you that.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bus Drivers

That bus driver was such a bitch! Even though we were in front of the bus, he/she shook their head. So we had to wait a whole hour in the cold for another bus. Aish. I feel very..hmm.. sad? I don't know the word for it but yeah.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Dude, today was the most surprising day since foreverrr!

Okay, so after Finnie's dentist appointment, where me, Julie, and Finnie had a great time in the waiting room, we were walking down to buy food. And when we just crossed the street, a cop car was making a turn. Then the window comes down and the cop says to us "Hey, come over here for a sec." We thought we were in trouble or something! Just then, he takes out an ice cream bar! "You three should share it, I'm eating one right now, it's good." We three were so surprised, we kinda just stood there like forreallss?? hahaha. Then we took it and a car behind the cop's car beeped at them! ><

I'm not done, after that, we went to a gas station to buy food cause we were so hungryyy. We couldn't pick what to buy since only Finnie had money and it was three bucks. I guess Finnie said "But Julie, we only have 3 bucks" pretty loud cause then a guy that just paid for gas asked us if we needed money. I was thinking "Are you seriously gonna give us random money to some random teenagers??" But then Julie says "Oh, no." and he left. But WOW, he offered that's what counts. There is still nice and generous people out there!

Monday, May 11, 2009

<33 One

"After all the fire,
after all the rain,
I'll be the flame."

Best One Tree Hill quote of the seasonnnnn!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Euro Exam!

All I'm hoping for is a 3. All I ask is a 3! Please! (:

and a goodnight sleep.

Moving onnn, after the exam is my bball banquet. I'm not really looking forward to it. I just wanted to show my mom what I do afterschool most of the days. Mother's Day is on Sunday and my sister is coming from San Diego so we can get her something. Still don't know what to get her.

Aish, my dislike toward people is growinggg. lol

Snickers as a late night snack <33 Life's good.

Monday, May 4, 2009



Friday, May 1, 2009


Having AP Euro drains all your energy, especially since it's in the morning. Anyways, who's going to the Magnet Banquet? I'm going forsureeee. Well, I'm in the ticket collecting committee and the cleanup committee. I guess Imma have to stay after a bit. I'm not really looking forward to it right now, maybe cause the exam's coming up.

Soooo... I've been extremely snappy this week. I apologize if I did snapped at you. Too stressed out, you know? My left eye started twitching too. Super duper annoying.

Hm. I like hanging out with different people every now and then. It's somewhat refreshing and yeah, I like it.

I wonder why my mom never does anything about my sister. I think she's just too damn calm. Mother's Day is coming up and I have no idea what to get her. Maybe I'll know on Sunday when I go to the mall with her. mhmm..

Anyyywayyyyss, uhhhhhhhh, byeeees!

Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I think I'm going to enjoy learning Shakespeare language.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I am so mad right now. You have no idea. When I get so mad, tears would just start coming out and it's coming. Bryan, you said it'll get better. IT JUST GET WORSE EVERYTIME. I HATE MYSELF FOR BELIEVING YOU. EVEN FOR ONE MINUTE.

Okay, enough with the emo words.

God, she sounds like a freaken retard when she says the F word.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I'm coming to the point where I hate blogging.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I have feelings too, you know?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


makes perfectttttttt.

In the morning, me and Finnie couldn't find an opening to the school to take our practice exam. So I had to call wong and ask him. hahaha The multiple choice was hardddd while the essay part was okkkkaaaayyyy. It's just that while you're doing the essay, you're already so bored and tired. >< On the bright side, he got us subway!

Moving on.. afterwardssssss, we went to the bball tournament. My team was fourth place. T____T. That's alright. I talked to Corrina which I never had the chance to. And damn, there was a lot more people than I expected. Lots of asians too. ahah

My mom, " Aiiii, I see your sunburn now. Your skin's so dark but don't worry, you'll be white in no time. Just stay home." I'm staying home tomorrow just to do homeworkk. YAY.

"I don't need a witness
To know that I've survived"


Almost a week since my last bloggg. >< Well, all I can say is that I got a sunburn from today's field trip to the Malibu beach.

It was fun hanging out with Marco and others. The water was super duper cold. hahaha. Finally a day away from eurooo.

Tomorrow's the Increase the Peace Basketball Tournament and my practice AP Euro exam. Sweeet! Come and cheer on magnet!! xD

I'm tired. Outttttt.

"I've made up my mind,
no need to think it over,
If I'm wrong I aint right, no need to look no further"

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Ahhhh. I miss punching Ricky. LOL. Today felt good. Fresh air. Playing with different people. Ohhhyeah.

And my blogs are boring ?!?!

Well. Maybe I'm just descriptive! hmp. My daddy bought me hot dogs cause he knows I love them. LOL. AWWWWW.

Oh, I found a freaken white hair and I showed my mom. All she did was laughh. Geez, she always laughs at me. Anyways, I wanted to take a walk with her like in the summer, but I remember I hadn't start on my essay. Sighh. I started about an hour ago and I found out that once I start on an essay, it just starts to flow in my mind. I just used "start" 4 times. Makes me sound like a genuis huh? ><

I really dislike it when you're on aim and someone's talking to you and abruptly sign off without saying bye. I mean if you say "brb" or "bbl" and thennn sign off is different. I find it rude. Even though I may do it sometimes. haha

"so i just try and fail and try and try again

someday i swear i'm going to get it
because i'm convinced that giving in is the worst thing there is"

Thursday, April 9, 2009

San Diego

I shall tell you about my trip. I slept the whole way there. tehehe. We had to exit the freeway and spend about 30 minutes looking for a restroom cause my parents needed to pee. When we got there, we settled down in my sister's apt. Then my family went to eat pizza without my sister cause she had class. We also bought veggies for her since her frig is empttyyyy. Anyways, we walked around and around and aroundddd with my mom; my dad was sleeping. He was driving for two and a half hour. We found the pool which was in the middle but covered by plants and a gate. It was relatively a small pool but it had a jacuze. Is that how you spell it? Well, we kinda slept there; it was really relaxing there. Then my parents went home and my sister and I went back to the apt. Since there was nothing to do when my sister was still in class, we watched a movie on her laptop. Okay, so when everyone got back from school and such, we went to the campus's YogurtWORLD. hahahaha. Then we went to this cliff by the beach. Cliff>beach because if you wanted to go to the beach, you would have to climb a very steep hill. The cliff was soo pretty, windy, and highh. There was this biggg mansion and everyone says it's gonna be their house but we all know it's not. hahaha. Afterwards, we ate dinner at Chipotle; my sister and I get to choose and we chose Chipotle because the Wong Fu Productions ate there before. xDD Gosh, we were sooo full from there and still bought mochi to bring back home. The apt had two restrooms and there was 12 people staying there. So you can guess the frustrations when we want to use the restrooms to shower, brush teeth, pee, poop, look at yourself, etc... Anyways, since the next day was my sister's bday, my oldest sister baked brownies for everyone when she was asleep and everyone jumped on her at 12 midnight. She was surprised cause she was the only one sleeping ( we were all tired). yeahhh... After that, we all slept. But my sister's roommate let me read her book called Digital Fortress and I like it. I needa borrow it somewhere after AP exam.

The second day started off slow. Some went down to the beach, I was still sleepingg. >< My sister took us to the university's bookstore to look around and buy stuff. But the things are hella expensive, so we will wait for next time when our mom is there to buy it for us. hahha. Then we ate Tapioca Express. Then we went on the bus to go to the train to go home.

San Diego makes you walk alottt if you don't have a car. Especially when the bus fare for non-university students are $2.50 ! Ohmygoodness. Compare to the Dash. hahaha. The stuff is very expensive everywhere too. But the tax there is only 8.25. Cheaper than LA. -__-. I don't remember anything else I have to mention...hmm.. Oh yeah, the air in SD is so much better, I sneezed only once or twice. But when I got back in LA, I sneezed a couple times within two hours.

Today, I went to bball practice and they kept saying was I there for tryouts? hahaha I wasn't there for practice the whole week. It was fun; we worked on our jumpshots and that's pretty much it. And practice ends at 12:30 which I thought ended at 11. ><. Anyways, I told myself that I was gonna start on my essay today for Wong but I basically just stared at the question for two hours and then I went off reading something else. But! I'm on number 18 for the study questions out of 37. Almost halfway! hhahaha!

Dumplings and no soy sauce, pleasee. (;

Monday, April 6, 2009


I've been putting off my euro and geometry homework for the past days. So I gotta hit it when I get back from SD. Tomorrow, we're gonna head off around 8 since my sister has class at 12. Anyways, I hopeeee it won't rain tomorrow. ):
I feel not dedicated cause I'm gonna miss 3 days of bball practice this week. ><.

Oh dude, I went to watch Fast&Furious on Saturday with people and then more that I didn't know were coming. ><. I give FF a 7 out of 10. But I thought I Love You, Man was realllyyy funnyyy. It had this one scene where they were singing and it reminded me of Finnie and I when we're speaking spanish. xD Although, I think it's one of those movies where if you watch it more than once, it gets annoying. Then Michelle and I went walking around Old Pasadena. It got late so we went home but the dash already stopped running. We ended up walking home. She was gonna walk me home but then we saw a carnival at the 99cent park and stopped by there. Since we were near Ricky's house, I asked Ricky if he could walk me home since it was around 9 and he was already out; he and three other people walked me home. hahah I felt so happy. Thankkkyouuu guys.

On Sunday, my mom, sister, Betty, and I went to the Cherry Blossom festival in Little Tokyo. It was almost exactly like the Lunar Festival where there was dancing, food, and booths. The dancers were basically half naked. I asked my mom if I could dance like them and she said, "Does it look like I would let you??" hahaha I took my mom to Yogurtland and she liked it. YESSS. Then we just got bored and went home. XD

Today, my mom and I went to my doctor's to get a refill and a one month checkup. I need a blood test to see if the pills affect my lungs. Ma Fannnn. -.- I love how everytime we're waiting for my meds, my mom and I would eat cookies waiting. hahaha.
Sorry Danny, but the bbq was getting boring. But I enjoyed talking to Sophia which I haven't in a while. And Michelle.

I've noticed that when you have allergies, your throat gets really itchy and the only way to scratch it is use your tongue. I'm sneezing even more now since the break. My sister tells me to shut up when I sneeze and I'm saying in my mind, "How can I stop my sneezes?!" So I try to sneeze even louder to annoy her.

I've been meaning to get this song on my blog cause I've been obsessed with Musiq Soulchild. hahahah Which reminds me that I wanna see that movie Obsessed. Seems interesting. Darn, I wanted If U Leave song but that one only puts 30 seconds and my other favorite, which is the one you're listeningto, puts the whole things. So I picked this song instead.

The week we come back from Spring Break is packed with things to do. I hate my freshman class schedule. Too much to do.

This is one hella long blog. Haven't had one of this long in a while and won't for a while. So enjoy.

EDITTTT : I forgot to mention above but I grew one inch! The nurse told me that I am 5`6 now. I was very happy cause I wanted to grow taller. hahahahahhahaha!

"To the top and nothing's going to stop us
Today will be the day we reach the sky"

Friday, April 3, 2009


My dad and I were discussing on our trip to San Diego and he said that he didn't feel right letting us go my ourselves after he leaves. He said, " But there's going to be no food and soup for you to drink." LOLOL. I thought that was so sweet. haahah He just wanted us to stay home.

So it's spring break with lots of homework. Wong's stuff (-___-), and Flores gave us a freaken geometry project of our house. WTH ?! Man, it's gonna take a lot of work and time. I was surprised that Chai didn't give us homework. Oh, I found that Hayley is Ms. Chai's first name. hahahaha. Funny.

Sleeeeeeeep !

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I sneezed during my hot shower and it felt awesome. hahaha

So Nicole is a kind of person that freaks out when a project's not done and it's due the next day. I had to tell her to calm down a couple of times.

Man, I'm sad that I missed yesterday's bball practice for the chem project. The coach was helping us on our shooting form and I wanted to learn that. Darn.

Alright, San Diego, here I come. It better not rain on us again.

"You want to argue with me, but I'm not that bored

I don't know how to apologize, I'm not that smart"

Monday, March 30, 2009

Letting Go

We lost to Eagle Rock again. This time by 3 points. Last 3 minutes, we were ahead by 1. If only... T___T. But I packed Megan and kinda body slammed her. hahaha Although she got 3 free throws for that, she missed all of them. Yessss.

Oh yeah, I got a C on my inclass essay and I was so happy! I didn't mention one thing he said and bsed it and still a C! hahaha. My chem project's going nowhere. I wanna work on it tomorrow with Nicole but I'm probably going to Costco.....

Damn, am I tired or whattt.

"So don't waste your time worrying about
Small things that ain't relevant to me"

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I have not blogged since Tuesday, I believe ? Well, it has been quite chaotic. My sister's back in SD. More WWl in Wong's. Funnnnn. DBQ. Chem project. We shall beat Eagle Rock tomorrow. SPRINGGGG BRREEAAAAKKKK ! CHHYYAAAAHHHHH !

As I was playing bball today, my right calf muscle was hurting. Hopefully, it won't tomorrow and I'm sorry for calling Jessica, Julie. hahaha

I am sleeping early today cause I'm a goody. Ricky, remind me I have something to tell you.

Danny's cooolioooo. Betty's too hilariouss. Finnie's wackeddd.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New words

WOO! We beat Franklinnnn. I am sleeping early today because so I won't be tired tomorrow. I hope I get in the Magnet bball team with Jonathan and Arthur since there was no room but I still played. Oh yeahh.

ch1naman4: hehe..i like huge balls

"I will now rise from the ashes

Don't call me pretentious
I'm sitting here making my own rules"

Monday, March 23, 2009

Eureka Moments

Today, I had one of those moments when you just feel like giving up. But then, you know you can't because there are people who believe in you.

Thanks Jessica & Marisol <33

I hope you read this Jessica.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I am in need of eye drops.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Soooo, my whole Saturday was devoted to AP Euro. I am finally done with my study questions that I've put off the whole week. With lots of hiatus in between, I've gained too much knowledge that my head hurts now. haha. Darn, I didn't even go to Wilson's bday party cause of this. ><

I shall read my book for English tonight. I am almost done. Not the best book but it shows the conflicts between racism.

My sister went to BoA's concert and got her autographh. I am jealous. >:[

Deeply tired.

Friday, March 20, 2009


We beat Marshall ! Cool.
Not a pleasant day though. After Paulson's meeting, it was dark so I tripped on the stairs and fell down. Yep, my ankle's swollen now. Luckily, we don't have a game tomorrow. Yeeeeee.

"I'd rather run the other way than stay and see
the smoke and who's still standing when it clears

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have decided. My new favorite number is 19. I asked my mom for lucky numbers and she mentioned 8, 18, 19, and something something. But 19 is odd and I don't think a lot of people's favorite number is 19, so it's mine ! Too bad I can't change my uniform anymore. We are playing Marshall tomorrow and I heard their court is small so less running. hehe.

Those carefree summer days...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hot Hot Day

Feels like the summer days, especially in the gym running around. Sweeeeet.

Wow, four hours with Wong is torture. He actually makes us do work. Darn. We have once again tomorrow. I really like reading about WWl. This is when I'm actually starting to like reading that big fat book and I'm serious. haha

S, me and my sister had an idea of what to do on our Spring Break. We might go to San Diego if our parents let us travel by ourselves. I want to goo !

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

I'm losing the motivation to blog. >:[

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Heart of the Matter

"And I thought of all the bad luck,

and all the struggles we went through
How I lost me and you lost you
What are these voices outside love's open door
make us throw off our contentment
and beg for something more?"

Danny's cool. (:

haha. I didn't forget.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't Change

Musiq Soulchild <3

Yesterday, we won our game against West Adams Prep [53-16]. But today, we lost to Eagle Rock [31-41]. I can't wait till home game against them. I think we played harder yesterday than we did today. Our next game's with Marshall. Oh God. We're gonna lose to them.

I'm pretty tired. I slept when I got home and no one woke me up till 9:30. I had to shower and do lots of homework too. Ahhhh. Missed two days of De Puaw and I found out that I have a B+ in his class. It was cause of that one group that made me get a C on a assignment cause I didn't know what to do. ARG. I also have a B+ in chemistry. >< ! Two B's already ? But nope, I'm gonna let that go.

I can't wait for the weekend, where I can sleep and finish up my homework.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I think I failed my test for Wong today. haha. It's okay... I guess.

We lost our game against JV by 12 points. Not as bad as the sophomores. During the game, I jammed my ring finger on my left hand. It's like switched and I fell flat on my tummy too. hahaha. Scrapping my old scar from winter break burnsss.

I showed my mom my jersey. And she got mad cause I chose the number 14. I didn't know that the number 4 in Chinese is a bad number since if you say 4 in cantonese, it sounds like die/dead/death. Imma just try to switch it with someone so that she can be happy. From now on, my favorite number is no longer 14. hahaa.

Tomorrow's gonna be our first away game and Tiffany and Cindy has detention. Our freshman team is gonna consist of 7 players. Damn, we're gonna get a lot of playing time.

I forgot about what else was I gonna say. ><

Monday, March 9, 2009

Straylight Runnnn

"so we bottled and shelved all our regrets
let them ferment and came back to our senses
drove back home and slept a few days
woke up and laughed at how stupid we used to be"

Warren He was and still is a cooooolioo person. Life after elementary school sucked. I want to go back to Franco's class and sit next to Betty.

Must study for euro test !
Two games this week !

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Will Be

I miss the summer days. ):


I feel guilty for buying new shoes. ><. I hope it's for the best.

Blah blah I went to play bball at 99 park again and me, Finnie, and Betty played with Michelle and I think Amy is her sister. It was fun and cold. haha. I was so hungry when I got home. Now that I think about it, I've been hungry these few days. And I'm actually drinking lots of water. By lots, I mean two cups.

I hate Chapter 25 for euro. It gets offtrack and leds to small battles and stuff. Guess Imma just cram to get it done by tomorrow since the test is on Tuesday.

Rereading old books that are my favorites is awesome.

Danny's cool. (:

but I'm cooler like ice.

Friday, March 6, 2009

112 posts


Nothing is gonna be in my way.

And yes Kevin, I know how to put pictures on my blog.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Doors Down

Today's field trip to the Norton Simon Museum was actually pretty neat. It's the first art gallery that I learned something in. I liked the art cause I knew some aspects of it. The guards are so strick too; I put my arm on the wall and they said I couldn't do that. haha

Johnny Rockets is freaken expensive man. Never eat there. Although the little trinket thingy took 10 cents of us, it was pretty cool. Well the museum had this one garden. It's really nice with tadpoles, flowers, trees, etc. But the arm wrestle between Kevin and me made it better cause I won. hahaha

I missed Yuca since I was at bball practice. It's was a nice practice even though the sophomore team was slaughtering us cause we were missing out point guard and our center. >< !

Finnie's not cool. (:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So during Wong's unit test, I was sneezing quite a lot. I blame the allergies my 21/30 C. ><

In De Pauw's class, I fell asleep for the first time cause my back was facing him. I was super tired and finished reading already but when I started dreaming, I thought, " Wait, I'm not supposed to be sleeping !" And then I shot right back up.

In bball, the sophomore team is getting better while we're not. We just sit and listen while they get to practice. >:O Arg. And I sucked today. Returning my shoes and buying another one. So mah fann. hahahah Kevin, I'm funny.

Wellll, after practice today, instead of doing euro when I got home, I read the whole day. I was rereading "Keeping the Moon" which I borrowed from Sherry. I miss reading since I haven't read any other books except for that big fat euro book.

Wong's class is having for a field trip tomorrow. Yayy! One day of no school. haha

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I was just eating right now and my dad comes up to me asking what college I wanna go to. Since I was eating, I just shrugged.
Then he said," Of courseeee you don't know. Your brain is always off cause you're always eating. Have you counted how many things you ate since you got home? I wonder how can you eat so much."
And since I was still eating, I just mumbled bball. hahahahaahah He just sighed. xDD

My shoes came !!! AHAHAHHAHAHA. So happyyyyy !

The first official spring day is in March 20th but my allergy signs are already showing. I'm glad Wong always has tissues in his class.

Some people are just plain mean. So so so mean and that's just sad.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hardest Words

Wooo! I played bball the whole day with Betty, Tiffany, Cindy, Julie, Andy, Vincent, and Wilson at the 99 park. It was so fun. ahaha Even though the 8th graders were beating us. >< Afterwards, we just hung around McDonald's.

My sore throat is not going away. One side hurts when I swallow my saliva. haha.


Friday, February 27, 2009


Even though I took a two hour nap, I still wanna continue sleeping. The allergies are making my throat itch and eyes heavy. This morning, in Wong's, during the chapter test, I took the whole tissue box to my desk. hahaha. Well, the test was pretty hard. But I can't complain, I knew half of it.

Anyways, I have quite a lot of geometry homework to catch up on. Three days of work that I abdicated from. Marco snapped a rubber band on my right wrist today and he did it on my scar that's shaped like a heart. So it ended up looking like a broken heart. awww. hahaha

Wong's other periods seem so easy compared to his APs.

Julie missed two days of bball practice; I'm pretty sure the coach is gonna cut her playing time. But Julie Diaz and I are gonna teach her what she missed out on Sunday.

I'm really glad that Coach Z didn't lose my earings because Julie and I gave him our jewelry since we couldn't wear them. I would've been extremely sad cause my mom bought them for me.

I've been too absorbed with euro and bball nowadays. So, I'll try my best to even things out more.

I wonder why I still haven't gotten my report card. -.-

Edit : Now I know why ! My sister hid my report card so my parents won't ask for hers and see her C. HAHAHA. I got straight A's with two absences(?).

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I hateee allergies. Especially when I have a test the next day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Finnie !

And Happy Late Birthday to Betty. haha

hmm.. I had a couple of things to mention in this blog but I hope it'll come to me soon.

This week is so rushed cause of Wong and people. My sprained finger isn't getting any better because everything it's healing, bball afterschool would just make it worst again.

Yesterday, I was walking home and almost got crashed because that stupid white car didn't stop at a sign of a pesdestrian walking. I didn't get crashed because I stepped back in time. I should've remembered the licenses plate. ><

So for Finnie's bday, we had a little surprise cake party for her at Danny's house. I think we pulled it off pretty well since she wasn't expecting it. hehe. The cakes was good, especially right after bballl practice.

Dude, I hate when I can't remember what I had to say. I should start making a list.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Get up

My knees tend to hurt during the day when I don't have enough sleep. It's a sign of sleep deprivation. I need some catching up to do.

This is one chaotic week.


Almost 1am and I've just finished number 1 for euro. Amazing.
We got our essays back from Wong and I think I got a pretty good grade but the chapter test we took today kinda sucked. Didn't know more than half of it. ><

The day was so boring. Each class was the same: listen, work, and get out.

Except in De Pauw's class was fun. Although Peter is very mean to me, I like sitting away from Raphael. haha

So I discovered that we do not have practice on PD days. That's greattttt. Nobody in the team takes the practice seriously so they jsut mess around, which pisses the coach and me off. The practices are fun to me but I guess, it's torture to some people. Our first game will be on March 11th. But we will be playing against seniors on the 10th. Fun.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Made for Me

Darnit. I was waiting for 11:11pm to start on my post. hahaha. Too bad I got carried away.

I really don't like it when people don't appreciate the things they have and then they go around abusing it. Like, some people don't have friends and they just wish for someone. But others, who actually have people around them, just don't appreciate that fact. Then they just go and say "I have no one." I hate those who give up hope so quickly.

Looking back to my old posts, I realized that I was so much happier in the beginning of school. It's either my sister,euro, or people that made me so much more apathetic. Then again, there are many happy things that keep me company, away from falling down.

Since I'm talking about falling down, this morning, my family and I went to Big 5 to buy some things. My sister wanted knee pads for vball and both of my parents agreed that I should buy one too. They kept saying that since the knee pads is good for falling down, I need one too cause supposedly, I fall down too much. I found that very insulting in a funny way. I guess they remember the winter break incident. hahaha. But I just got a knee brace. (:

Goodnights everyone. Dream of me.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Lemme update you on these couple of days.

Finnie gets freaked out everytime I show her my finger. LOL

Now, almost everyday, I would go to McDonald's with people after bball practice. hahaha. Quite fun with your teammates.

I haven't worked on euro for three days now. Guess Imma have to finish it tomorrow and study in one day.

Today, I returned my bball shoes that didn't fit and I would have to wait about a week for the new ones to come. T__T

Dude, I seriously can't believe some people can get away with so many things. I would hate to have that guilty conscience following you everywhere.

Today reminded me how much I miss hanging out with Betty. There's no awkward moments and if there's silence, it's peaceful. Not like one of those relationships where you feel like you have to say something to keep the conversation up. I hate that feeling so I don't really try but with Betty, it doesn't matter. I like crying on her shoulder too. It's homey. I'm sure she likes my mom's noodles too. hahaha

This post is number 101. I started in October the 9th, two thousand and eight. And it's February the 20th, two thousand and nine. Thanks to Kevin, blogging has become my daily habit.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Today was actually a great day compared to yesterday's but I was still very tired throughout the day.

I finished my geometry homework/chem/ and mandooo. xDD

After bball practice, me, Julie, Michelle, Cindy, and Tiffany went to McDonald's. We were soo hungryy. hahaha. Potluck tomorrow !

uhhhmmm.. Sleeping early today. At least, I'll try to. I usually think of euro whenever I try to sleep. hahahahahah. It has affected me greatly. Wow. Even the way I talk.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


occurred yesterday. I think I did alright in Wong's essay. Easier question than I thought. And this is an omg moment. I got 50/50 on my geometry quiz. xDD Back on track I hope.

Today was the first day of practice for basketball. Thanks Kevin, for remembering. It wasn't that bad. But all I look forward to is when we play scrimmage. Freshmans vs. Sophomores and we win everytime. xD But the downside is that the shoes that me and Tiffany ordered were too small for me. They were 5 youth, not men. ><

I just learned what does the word fray means. It means a struggle/dispute/to frighten away/to wear. So many different meanings and I wonder what does it mean to the band. So many different meanings coming from the same word.

Sucking it up. All of it. Just saying that you agree and then never change.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Fray

I think I'm in love with The Fray's new album.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The difference

between quick and fast.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Yesterday, after watching half of Lincoln's boy's varsity team play, I went home and slept. For about 6 good hours. Then I woke up cause I was hungry and then went back to sleep. hahaha The next morning (today) was when I showered. hehehehe. Pretty dirty. xD

I guess I'm so tired because I've been staying up late. Either doing euro or studying for euro. It makes me sad how much euro can affect my social life. ><

Anyways, basketball practice starts on Tuesday and I need to get my sports bag from Vivian. She better wash it before she gives it to me.

Reading the Greek Gods book for De Pauw's class. Since the class is almost done with it, I am reading it from the beginning. xD It's very interesting.

I am in a state of discontent.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I hatee how my sister hogs the computer all day just to watch dramas when I have euro homework to do on it. Just wait till I get a laptop, you jerk.

And Andy you can stop trying to count shoulders with Finnie now. It's not gonna work! Just like my brush beats your comb! tehehe.

Woooooow. Today was the first day that I forgot my euro folder in my lockerr. Not purposely but accidentally. I guess Marshall high got me off track. hahah. They are a really good team and I stayed a bit afterschool to watch them play.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Classes aren't that bad.

Wong is rushing us and I didn't hear why.
Logan is finally getting some senses.
Same with geo.
Chai's 4th period is sooo boring.. No one talks. I miss 5th period mando.
De Pauw's class has very few people but his teaching reminds me of Mrs. Wilhoit. She was a good teacher.
We haven't started doing anything for basketball yet because other people are occupying the gym.

Today was extremely cold and windy. It's such a hated weather.

I hope for the best.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Let's see. I ran the beginning of the race in sprinkling rain. Then it cleared. My dad picked me up to go home. (: hahah

After that, I went to the movies to watch He's Just Not That Into You. It was very disappointing. I thought it would be better. Quite boring.

My legs are tingling. hahaha Tomorrow's the first day of the second semester and I wonder how will that go. Basketball 6th period ! xDD

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Going crazyy

Awwww... It's 11:22 pm and I can't get it out of my head. hahahahahaahahah

Today, I got to the doctors at 9:30am and waited till 10 to get inside. Then waited some more for the doctor. They had to do a skin test to me and I never got one before. It's looked like those warts you see on tv. Anways, I feel like a bitch cause I talked crap about my doctors alot and I found out today that they do open till 6pm. I guess it was just vacation last time that I went. I wanted to ask my doctor for allergy medicine but then my mom told me that I shouldn't so I didn't. (: I was surprised that both of my parents went to the doctors with me.. >.>

Well, I got home kinda late from the doctors cause my parents wanted to buy some groceries and I didn't think my dad would've let me to go bball afterwards. So I stayed home, watched dramas, talked on the phone, and then took a nap. Slept from 3ish to 8. hahah Feels refreshing.

Tomorrow, I'm going to be running in the rain. There's gonna be am showers and I hope I won't get sick. Movies tomorrow ! xDD

Friday, February 6, 2009


It rained the whole dayy. ):

So yesterday was euro and Chai finals. I stayed up till 1 on Wednesday studying for euro and it paid off. hehehehe. Chai was sooo boring. I just ate chips in that class. heheh. The Dance teams performed in Yuca and I thought it was better than they did in CT.

Today, I had chem and enlish finals. I knew half of chem and I copied the other half from Kevin. haha. Thank you Kevin. In english, we had to do our speech and I messed up so many times. As in stuttering and messing up the words. >< I hope I did good. I mean I hope I still have my A.

Afterschool, WDK had another meeting. We got pizza and junk food to Tiffany's house. Then we watched Wanted while eating. hahahah. The room was packed with people. It was fun; we did had our moments. We were supposed to go play bball but it rained.

Getting my physical tomorrow. Damn doctors better be there. And, I hope I won't have to run in the rain on Sunday. -__-

I was kinda happy that my mom didn't ask where I went afterschool and came back home at 8. hahahaha. I think that means that she trustes me. xD I also told her about my testings and school stuff and she said that she was proud of me. hehehe


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Finals week and I'm studying everyday. Almost. Especially for euro. hehe.

I woke up sneezing nonstop today. Then I just kinda sluggishly walked up and down the halls.

Got head chopped in Pe for trying to get a rebound by Kevin. hahaha Not that painful. I feel so dumb for staying up till late yesterday cause I thought that the geometry packet was due when it wasn't ! ><

I did my speech for Chai and I messed up so many times. haha... Thankfully I still got an A. xD

Yesterday, I was veryyy surprised when Jonathan asked if I wanted to go to Carl's Jr afterschool. But I didn't hear him well so I didn't go. hehehe
Tomorrow is my geometry and pe final. Pretty easy day, exempt from euro studying.

I'm glad my dad supports me staying till 5:30-6pm for basketball. If he didn't, I don't think I would've joined frosh/soph. He was asking me about my classes and stuff; I felt we were bonding again like we used to before I took euro. Then he randomly gave me 10 dollars. HAHAHA

Anyways, I hope my basketball shoes come sooooon. hehehe. I didn't want practice on Saturday because I was planning to get my physical. ):

10k at the Chinatown Firecracker race, Sunday. Let's do something afterward. xD