Sunday, June 28, 2009

Car Washhhh

= sunburn.

hahah I put on sunblock and still got sunburned. I never knew how tough it was washing the tires of about 50 cars. You have to bend over for everyyy tire and especially when there's a lot of cars at once and when the water people doesn't see you and hose the car down with you on the other side. I loveee how I can laugh at everything Jessica does. LOL. hahha Our little racist jokes with each other. HAHAHAHA. <3 Frosh/soph.

I think Imma start my summer walks with my mom soon. hahaha I feel so lonely at home. >< My oldest sister went back to college for summer school today and the other one is at SD for science bowl. Darnitttttttttt. So boringg too.

I have this feeling that this summer isn't gonna be so great. Hmm.. Anyways, I'm hungry and wanna change my song soon to Let Go by Frou Frou. Good?