Friday, May 22, 2009


Woooow, I haven't blogged for almosttttt a week. Is this the longest I've been not blogging?

Lemme start. Monday's finale episode of One Tree Hill was awesomeee! I love happy endings especially now that Brooke and Julian are together such like Blair and Chuck in GG. Uhhhh, the CST's went okaayyyyy; I hated the chemistry part cause I didn't know 3/4 of it. Blame Logan!

The Magnet Banquet was fun, I guess. Pretty dim though. Since I sat kinda far, we couldn't really listen to what they were saying but I got my certificates and stuff. The food was not soo greattt. Chicken patty with tomatoe sauce?? The pasta was good however. Kevin took my LAST LEMONNNNN for the ice teaaaa! Omgosh. I had to steal one from Nicole's table. Anyways, I saw Francis and Ana! They were there for Authur's sister and Francis is taller than me now! Damnit. It was so nice seeing everyone so dressed up like WDK, Nicole, Carrie, Sandy, Jonathan, Authur, Kevin, Ken and so on... See how I put the girls first? xD

I don't like our sweaters for bball! I mean the front is like a little corner and the font isn't even nice. It's like fading white with black inside. Not exactly pretty.

So yeah, my sister came home for the three-day-weekend and she brought along two of her roomates. Now, my mom kicked me out of my bed and I have to sleep in my parent's room since my bed is big enough for both of them. It's gonna be a longg weekendd. I came home from a mininum day and I had to clean! So tired but it was all worth it cause I got a watermelon slush and more to come... yesssss.

Shoutout to Jessica! ;)
Which reminds me. Jessica, during the magnet banquet, they had a slideshow with pictures of magnet people and then Maria put the bball picture of me and you! I had to tell you that.

1 comment:

Hello; my name is Kevin. said...

Wow, failure at grammar. Colon after "like." Hasn't Nagaoka's grammar taught you nothing!?

Hehe, I love testing your patience.