Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Will Be

I miss the summer days. ):


I feel guilty for buying new shoes. ><. I hope it's for the best.

Blah blah I went to play bball at 99 park again and me, Finnie, and Betty played with Michelle and I think Amy is her sister. It was fun and cold. haha. I was so hungry when I got home. Now that I think about it, I've been hungry these few days. And I'm actually drinking lots of water. By lots, I mean two cups.

I hate Chapter 25 for euro. It gets offtrack and leds to small battles and stuff. Guess Imma just cram to get it done by tomorrow since the test is on Tuesday.

Rereading old books that are my favorites is awesome.

Danny's cool. (:

but I'm cooler like ice.


Hello; my name is Kevin. said...

put kevin rocks.

Anonymous said...

your bangs look superb in this picture

Voong said...

foooooooooooool, every time you pass me by you make me shiver, remember?
you're frozen