Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Finnie !

And Happy Late Birthday to Betty. haha

hmm.. I had a couple of things to mention in this blog but I hope it'll come to me soon.

This week is so rushed cause of Wong and people. My sprained finger isn't getting any better because everything it's healing, bball afterschool would just make it worst again.

Yesterday, I was walking home and almost got crashed because that stupid white car didn't stop at a sign of a pesdestrian walking. I didn't get crashed because I stepped back in time. I should've remembered the licenses plate. ><

So for Finnie's bday, we had a little surprise cake party for her at Danny's house. I think we pulled it off pretty well since she wasn't expecting it. hehe. The cakes was good, especially right after bballl practice.

Dude, I hate when I can't remember what I had to say. I should start making a list.

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