Thursday, June 4, 2009

All At Once

This weather is freakenn weirddddd. I hate itt. The cold sucks.

Anyways, mammoth is this weekend! I've been waiting for this time away from school. But I'm gonna miss playing bball on Saturday. ><. I'm actually fine with my group "Butterflies". hahah Except for this one dude that's reallyyy annoying. Not even the funny annoying but the annoying annoying. The gauche type. I started packing today and I had no ideaaa what type of things to bring. Like this or...that?

Hmm.. so me and Sophia are gonna room it with Lisa Ma and another person whom I have no idea yet. I don't mind anyone really.. I need some batteries for the flashlight.

Wow, my dad is coming home earlier from now on. At around 8:30! That's really early and he just keeps telling us to take showers when we don't usually do it before 9. More nagging?

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the samee

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