Monday, April 6, 2009


I've been putting off my euro and geometry homework for the past days. So I gotta hit it when I get back from SD. Tomorrow, we're gonna head off around 8 since my sister has class at 12. Anyways, I hopeeee it won't rain tomorrow. ):
I feel not dedicated cause I'm gonna miss 3 days of bball practice this week. ><.

Oh dude, I went to watch Fast&Furious on Saturday with people and then more that I didn't know were coming. ><. I give FF a 7 out of 10. But I thought I Love You, Man was realllyyy funnyyy. It had this one scene where they were singing and it reminded me of Finnie and I when we're speaking spanish. xD Although, I think it's one of those movies where if you watch it more than once, it gets annoying. Then Michelle and I went walking around Old Pasadena. It got late so we went home but the dash already stopped running. We ended up walking home. She was gonna walk me home but then we saw a carnival at the 99cent park and stopped by there. Since we were near Ricky's house, I asked Ricky if he could walk me home since it was around 9 and he was already out; he and three other people walked me home. hahah I felt so happy. Thankkkyouuu guys.

On Sunday, my mom, sister, Betty, and I went to the Cherry Blossom festival in Little Tokyo. It was almost exactly like the Lunar Festival where there was dancing, food, and booths. The dancers were basically half naked. I asked my mom if I could dance like them and she said, "Does it look like I would let you??" hahaha I took my mom to Yogurtland and she liked it. YESSS. Then we just got bored and went home. XD

Today, my mom and I went to my doctor's to get a refill and a one month checkup. I need a blood test to see if the pills affect my lungs. Ma Fannnn. -.- I love how everytime we're waiting for my meds, my mom and I would eat cookies waiting. hahaha.
Sorry Danny, but the bbq was getting boring. But I enjoyed talking to Sophia which I haven't in a while. And Michelle.

I've noticed that when you have allergies, your throat gets really itchy and the only way to scratch it is use your tongue. I'm sneezing even more now since the break. My sister tells me to shut up when I sneeze and I'm saying in my mind, "How can I stop my sneezes?!" So I try to sneeze even louder to annoy her.

I've been meaning to get this song on my blog cause I've been obsessed with Musiq Soulchild. hahahah Which reminds me that I wanna see that movie Obsessed. Seems interesting. Darn, I wanted If U Leave song but that one only puts 30 seconds and my other favorite, which is the one you're listeningto, puts the whole things. So I picked this song instead.

The week we come back from Spring Break is packed with things to do. I hate my freshman class schedule. Too much to do.

This is one hella long blog. Haven't had one of this long in a while and won't for a while. So enjoy.

EDITTTT : I forgot to mention above but I grew one inch! The nurse told me that I am 5`6 now. I was very happy cause I wanted to grow taller. hahahahahhahaha!

"To the top and nothing's going to stop us
Today will be the day we reach the sky"

1 comment:

Hello; my name is Kevin. said...

I don't believe you posted this blog. I believe you had little elves like smurfs create this blog for you. Since when did you blog more than a sentence?!