Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's cold.

This morning I woke up an hour early to eat lunch cause my sister had to go back to San Diego at 12:30. You know how people say that their head feels heavy ? That's how my head felt like when I woke up. Didn't feel so good..

So anyways, some of us were supposed to go play bball at 1.. ended up being at 2. Danny's room isn't any cleaner hahaha. His stuff is just off the floor. Well, Finnie and Betty had to run from McDonald's to the bus stop across from the bank on Daly. hehehee.

Playing bball wasn't that fun today. -___-

Got home at 5:45 and it was dark.

Gosh, my astigmatism is acting up.
Kills my day.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I just heard some noises against my window and I instantly thought of those movies where a guy is throwing rocks at a girl's window. hahahahaha

But then my logical senses kicked in. T__T

I was reading but I had to blog this moment. x]]

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Today was Black Friday. hmm.. I got four hours of sleep before waking up and going to shop. Then I went with Betty and Finnie to Santa Anita. Althought it wasn't as crowded as Glendale, the stores were still packed. For instance, Pacsun took forever and it was really stuffy inside because of all the body heat. We shopped. I will not mention what I bought cause I don't feel like it. It was really fun hanging out with Betty and Finnie because it just reminded me of all the old times. And then Finnie was trying to hit on some guys for us. Sadly, it didn't work out since she couldn't catch up with them. I am one lucky pimp. Finnie on my left shoulder sleeping; Betty on my right shoulder sleeping. x]]

I got home for about an hour then I went to Betty's house to go to Yuca. I swear man, Finnie cannot stop touching someone somehow. ><.

Yuca had so less people today. Guess they're tired. Well I signed up for the toy gift wrap on Dec.5. I also signed up on Dec. 14 for the Christmas festival;second shift.

After Yuca, we were passing by the new ice cream parlor and the lady said they were giving out free ice creams, so we had to stay. x]] It shall be our new hangout spot.

I don't know how long they have been the way they are but if people are just plain vain and have zero acknowledgment of that, then I hope that they will survive soon enough to realize their obnoxious behavior.

I seriously can't go to sleep happy. Why you may ask ? Can't believe the stupidity that is around me.

Today's highlight
: Finding good deals, meeting Corrina, and spending quality time with friends.

Douchebag of the day : Sister. Which one do you think it is?

Sorry for the depressed blog.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Sorry for disappointing ! Haven't blog for FOUR days.

Well it should counted for three days cause I didn't have internet yesterday somehow.. -___- I always blame the weather anyways. Whenever I don't have internet, it's always a really hot or a really cold day.

heheh My sister is home from college this Thanksgiving break. I hope we are gonna do something funnn. Black Friday maybe ? She's so niceee; baking brownies for us. hehehehe !

Yesterday was funnn. Although my ear hurts from getting hit. I kept trying to get the rebounds but damn.. those guys are too big. HAHAHAH I only get it when they let me but I still felt happy. And then I walked in the rain to get home after the dash. ahhhhhh xD

I am gonna enjoy this break from euro ! This week was so much stress, I even failed my Chapter 17 test. T____T . I WILL NOT GET A B IN AP EURO ! >< !!

Anways, I've said all that I have on my mind at this moment.

Have a good one. [:

Highlights : oh so many things x]]

Douchebags : mexican, mexican, and that one mexican. Pathetic losers.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Woot Woot !

Today was awesome.
Finnie called to wake me up. ><
Did homework.
Went to play bball.
Got horchata.
Did geometry homework at Finnie's.
Went home and did more homework+procrastination.
:D !

Late night calls <3

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sorry Kevin

Haven't blog in 2 days. hahahah I did not break the blogger's commitment yet.

Well.. these two days had ups and downs. I don't even remember yesterday anymore so Imma just talk about today.

The KKK presented their problems today in Wong. hahahah Chem is dude wth.

Geometry was okay today. I was being a good friend and listening to Senh's problems. Damn man, PE was so packed in the gym. I just shoot around and tried to get rebounds. hahahah
In mandarin class, Chris moved seats again. I wonder why..hmm... x]]
I'm starting to hate 6th period, Nagaoka.

Afterschooooool, I went over to Finnie's for a little bit. Then we went to the 99cents park to play bball ! XD ! oh man, during the game, I couldn't stop laughing. How come this always happens !? It's cause I'm playing with cool people all the time. hahha

" It smells like something's burning."
" It's cause I'm burning hotttt ."


I can crossover but according to Danny, I gotta look up. Damn, I'll work on thatttt.

I repeat, why can't I go to sleep happily?
Maybe that's why I keep going out so I don't have to see her face.

Today's highlight : PLAYING BBALL, that quote up there ^ , and getting canddyyy. hahaha

Douchebag of the day : Stupid and inconsiderate people.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Bryan !

Today was a funnnnn day.
Felt tired as hell this morning cough* Chris coughh*
Julie's cake was nastyyy, next time will be better !
Didn't run the mile.
Fell asleep in mando.
Slept during lunch.
Finished classwork for Nagaoka.
Retook grammar quiz. (Hoping I will get 100 this time)

The bus was so crowded with people going to to celebrate Bryan's bday. We all went to Sam Woo Cafe. Ate so full hehee. Sang Happy Birthday with cake. It was funnn hahahahah I guess that's the word for it. But I saw my friends from Verdugo while I was waiting for the bus to go to Alpine. YAY !

I don't know how to describe today in one word hahaha. Well, I do not like it when Kenny and them makes fun of my laugh >< !

Finished all of Euro's hw while helping my mom's english. I AM PROUD.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bags under the eyes this week.

Yesterday was an awful day. No wonder I didn't blog. WHYY ?! I failed my geometry quiz. First fail in math for over two years. T_____T

Today was GREATTT ! Wait, not the whole day. My morning was great and after 6th period, it sucked. hehehehe I received my chapter 17 test and I almost got a perfect !! Just half a point awayyy. Mrs. Chai gave us a freeee period ! I got another D in my grammar quiz. T____T Major sad face.

So, afterschool I went with Julie to McDonald's to make her feel better. hahah Stayed there for like 30 minutes, Bryan came, I left for Wong's class to do hw.

Then me, Sophia, and Tiff went to Big Saver and bought ingredients for the cake. Finnie came and we all bake the cake for Julie's bday tomorrow. x] But we left at 5. -___-

Once I came home, I went straight to euro hw. xD and made sure Danny was doing his hw.

People are so sweet today. So many compliments. MAKES ME HAPPY !

Today's highlight : oh so many moments.

Douchebag of the day : not Chris xD <3

Chris, I hope your shoulder feels better !

Sunday, November 16, 2008


On a smoky and hazardous air polluted morning, Tiffany's and Sherry's phone call me woke up to go study at 11am. wow.. dedicated studying people..

At Finnie's, I totally burned Finnie is AP Euro. hehehe. Feels good man. But yeah, Tiffany, Sherry, and Nicole came too. I guess I did alot of studying cause this time I came home with a headache. Finnie's an AWESOMEEEEEE geometry teacher if you didn't know. She has all the answers ;) .

Why can't I come home and actually feel like I'm at home for once ?

Today's highlight : Burning Finnie's ass in Euro. X]

Douchebag of the day : FINNIE. FINNIE. FINNIE. and Finnie for calling me fat and farting.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sunburn or not ?

Today, I went to the campus clean up for magnet. Signed in at 9:19 and then went to the flagpole area and re-painted it. I personally thought we messed up for good but it turned out pretty nice. It was so hottttt though. After, we ate food and Kevin wanted to push me on the shopping cart but I don't trust him. Yom dresses so youngg dude. hahahaha

Then Danny's house to pick up John but then I had to go buy a bday present. So me, Finnie and John went to my house to get money. Walked backkkk to Danny's house and waited for the dash like 20 friggin minutes. Night lights are pretty hard to finddd. Anyways, went to the water store next to Alpine and got drinks since it was humid from the fire. Then home sweet homeee [ not ] .

Fast post cause someoneeee keeps rushing me.

The scar from yesterday is even more noticable today. I hope it stays like that so I can show Ricky on Monday. hahaha

Today's highlight : Actually making the school look better and since I'm so irresistable, 1 am phone calls.

Douchebag of the day : Chris can make me mad even through aim. >< !

Friday, November 14, 2008


Let's see, for the first couple of times, I don't have hw for euro. yay!

For sure, I failed today's geometry's test. It was on proofs. T___T And in pe we played football for the first time this year.

Tiff went home early cause she was coughinggg :[[ FEEL BETTER CAUSE I'M COMING OVER ON SUNDAY.

Afterschool, Julie came over to my house and we ate dumplings that my parents made <3. Then we went over to Sophia's and ran to Alpine from there but then Julie left to go somewhere. I never knew there were so much people at Alpine on Fridays. Ricky shirt slapped me and left me a scar which is red at this moment. He bought us an arizona to make it up for it but it made me get cramps. That didn't stop me from playing with Steven, Danny, Richard and them for like 15 minutes. Richard fell and Finnie wasn't there to pick him up :[
When we were waiting for the bus for about 20 minutes, I was dribbling the ball around and arounddd. x]] Dude, Bryan's brother, Adam, is so fat and funny !
He got chased by this tiny dog while we were walking home and he ran and screamed so funnyyy !

Brian pinched my cheek so hard when I was so innocently opening my locker.
Jonathan twisted my arm cause I gave him a red neck. >< !
Ricky shit slapped me leaving a red mark.

I fell asleep at around 9pm and then woke up to go on aim. HAHAHAHA
See how much I love you guys ? :DD

Gotta find that night lighttt in 4 fours day. >< !

Today's highlight :
DUMPLINS !, bball <3, seeing Lisa and making fun of her, and something else. heheheh ;)

Douchebag of the day : Ricky and Brian. More people on my bad side, Finnie.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blogging over Euro ?!?


hmm, tomorrow we have a world history test for Wong and I'm blogging. >< ! It shall be easy.

I OFFICIALLY HATE PROOFS [ geometry ] . My mind isn't clicking, like the light bulb isn't flashingg above my head.

I was number 6 for the mass run today and that means I dropped by one. Damnit, someone always beat my in the verryyyy enddd.

So in mandarin, we were doing our project and somehow I couldn't stop laughing; then I just got mad cause they were making fun of me. I think our poster will turn out great cause Julie is an awesome artist.

Afterschool, me and Bryan went over to Julie's house to finish up the poster but Chris ditched us for bball. Julie's house is soo niceeee ! hahaahah I like how it's so neat unlike my house. ]:
Then I went running with Danny but then I kinda ditched him cause two little chihuahuas were chasing after us and I just ran off so fast. hehehe

Man, I feel good. Such a goody goody. heheh Right after I got home, I went straight to Euro and geometry.

Julie's not gonna give up running now. YAY ! So happy that she's not giving up already. You deserve a :DD.

hmm.. well people, tomorrow may have a 5.4 earthquake from 12 to 6pm. Get your water and food ready peeps. I think I told my dad... o.O

uh yeah. I'm thinking and thinking about it but I cannot gurantee an answer fast. I need time.

I like talking to shy people more than outgoing people, that's where me and Finnie split. hahaha
Shy people are just so.. alluring cause there's a lot to them that they don't show and I'm drawn to that. They're just so COOL !

My right side of my face, I bet, is darker than my left. hahahahah The sun is always on my right side. T__T

Maybe I'm gonna talk about more worldly things since I talk about myself too much. mhmm..

Today's highlight : listening to Jonathan's ipod [ love his music ] , I just love 5th period, talking on the phoneeee with Finnie and Tiff, McDonald's cookies were fresh todayy hehe, anddd PERFECTING THE RED NECK.


Monday, November 10, 2008

My Arizona !

Man today was a goooooood day. hahahaha

I got 2/2 points for Wong. yay !

Remember how I thought I did horrible on the geomtry assessment ? Well.. I got the second highest grade in my class ! It made my dayyy cause I was so surprised. hehehe

PE was good too cause we had to run and it was cold so it made me all warm. x]]

In mandarin class, I was so self-conscience cause someeeee people were making fun of my pimple. >< ! It's called stress !! Damn you FRIENDS.

HA ! I learned the red neck today hahahah and I tried it on Jonathan cause he wouldn't give me back my phone. That sub sure knew how to show some cleavageee. O.o

Seriously, Marco's voice cracks me up everytime I hear it. hahahah It's like he can't sound mean anymore and bully people. PUAHAHAHHAHA

I thought todayy was gonna get hotter as the day went on but it was still cold ! and I was in a t-shirt !.

Kevin and Ken owes me an arizona cause they totally took my 3/4 full bottle that Ricky bought for me to make up for yesterday and ran away with it. T___T

Afterschool, I didn't want to go home so I went to CT with Tiff to get her stretchers. And then I waited for Julie to come out of her house to go to my house to run but she was taking forever so I just sat and talked to Danny cause he was at the dentist. Man, me and Julie had to run after the bus cause we didn't see it coming. hahahah So we rann to Sophia's house to pee cause my uncle was hogging the restroom and then ran all the wayyy to Solano to get Wilson's bike. But then he wouldn't lend it to us. Julie then went home and I rode the bus with both Vincent's and Andy. Preeeetty collldddd. After, I walked home with Bryan and got locked out cause my sister wouldn't let me in. >< !

Today's highlight : running to Solano [ so funnn ] , considerate people makes me happy, seeing John, not getting runned over by a car, anddd good grades.

Douchebag of the day : KEVIN, KEN, and Bryan.

I wonder why most of my douchebags are guys... O.o

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Too coldddd.

I don't feel like blogging cause it's so cold and my fingers are like 5 popsicles on each hand.

Sorry for disappointing !

I found out why my dad was being all moody and it wasn't my fault! :D

Saturday, November 8, 2008

First time on pegs.

Major sad face for me.
Slept pass my alarm clock, which did not ring, and I missed my 15k race ! >< So disappointed.

But on the other hand, if I went to the race, I wouldn't have gotten my physical filled out. It was either race and no physical or no race and physical. I hate my doctor. He got me mad cause he wouldn't sign my physical without the skin test whatsoever. So then I just asked the nurse to do it for me. hahahah. She was nicer than that what'shisname. My mom said I could change my doctor but that takes forever so I would have to call them someday. hehe

Wow, I haven't ate lunch with my mom in a lonnggg time. I appreciated how we got to spend time together today. hehehe

:DD Riding on pegs to Little Tokyo is so funn ! hahaha Julie couldn't peg me at first but then she got used to it.
Freaken Julie couldn't stop laughinggg. lol

Gave up bball for Tiff's house. ]: I had to get home earlier anyways to go to a wedding but they are soo boringggg.

Julie says she's gonna run with me and my daily jog afterschool.. I don't know if she will but we shall see if she has the determination to lose weight. ahahaha I was kinda happy that Danny got a cramp yesterday cause my boobs were hurting everytime I jumped.. yay for me !

Why ?!!? Why are so many people so annoyinggg and don't know when to stopppp?!!

Today's highlight :
PEGS, and people talking to me while I waited for my doctor.

Douchebag of the day : Bryan for calling me HOE.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Wherever you will go..

If I could
then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
way up high
or down low
I'll go wherever you will go.

Today was a sad day.
Did bad in geometry assessment.
Really needa catch up in chem.
No one talked to me in mando.. ><
So much work in english.
Played badminton and totally pwned her. (;
Didn't get to run as much today cause Danny got a cramp. Feel better !

Man, I really don't get my dad. He's been mad at me this whole weeekkk and I have no idea why. So I guess Imma just play it safe and don't go anywhere afterschool next week.

What pissed me off was that my dad said "You better have some good friends."
I thought he would have a little more faith in me than that. I swear man, is he on his man period or somethinngg ??

But since I'm running 15k tomorrow, I will feel much better after that.

Today's highlight :
running [ kindaa ], ice creamm x], and finally knowing what's wrong.

Douchebag of the day : That girl that stepped on my shoes and hurt my scab. ><

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chinamannnn !

I haven't talked to Ricky online foreverrrrrrrr. Dude, get on more >< !

Received a C on my unit chapter test for Wong and I thought I did okay. WOW. I am disappointed.

Today was boring in school.
Got moved to the front in mandarin class for the first time, instead of Bryan.

Mrs. Chai scared me half to death cause she lost all of my hw.

Went to the magnet buddy meeting. Ate their ice cream. [:
Met Shawn(?).

hahahah Hope Sophia likes her gift from me and Finnie tomorrow. HAHAHAHAHAH.

I feel like I'm turing bad as in lazier and lower in knowledge. Not cool. Since I sometimes copy chemistry, I'm kinda falling behind..?

I'm getting my priorities straight. >:O

Today's highlight : hahahahaahh Sherry hahahahhahahahah Bryan hahahahahahahhaha Ricky ahahhaahhahaha chocolate milk hahahhahahahahah

Douchebay of the day : Freaken Danny Sau. >:O

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I don't get youuu. >;O

I do not know how much brain cells that I have killed today but it feels a lot.

First period with Wong is not good for deep sleepers. I'm not awake in his class cause it's still morning. >< ! So I would miss taking notes from his lectures and have to copy some laterr. Sorry Nicole, Susan, and Sherry. hahaha

I am hating pe right now. We do nothing. Literally nothing. :O

hehehe Bryan moved up to the front again in mandarin class. It wasn't all my fault cause Julie was talking too. But once again, I finished all my hw in class.

No run today, instead more time with my bf [ euro ] . Danny better come tomorrow ><.

My doctor is never there for her patients. Seriously, you open from 9am to 1pm ?! Are you freaken kidding mee ?? After CT, I went over to Tiff's house and I found out I lost one pound. We also
studiedd for tomorrow's unit test but somehow I'm not worried..

"Look on the bright side, you get to walk with me."

Hmmm... everyday in nutrition or lunch something exciting happens but there's always a downside to it.

Today's highlight : walking. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :P

Douchebag of the day : not telling.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


People and patience don't mix good togetherr.

Darn, I wanted a perfect on Wong's test today but fosho I won't. ><

Seriously, guys in my pe period can't play basketball for shittt. Even the girls are much better cause they basically play like freaken hungry monsters and the basketball is food. I almost got slammed by this one big guy [ in nicer terms ] .

ahhh I was so quite in 5th period today. But I actually finished all my hw for the first time. hahaha

I can't even believe today happened. So much whatchumacallit. ARRRGGGG ! Just leave me alone. T_T Man everyone was laughing at me or shall I say us ? I am so happy I'm kinda dark skin so you can't see if I'm blushing or not. tehehe

awww shitznuts. Jonathan forgot to teach me something that means I didn't get to try it out on Marco. ]:

Running at 5pm and coldish weather feels sooo goooddd afterwardd. hahaha I hope Danny didn't die at home laterr. o.O We must do two laps tomorrow !

Physical afterschool tomorrow. no play :[

Guess what happened after the run. HAHAHAHA. (;

Today's highlight : runninggg <3>

Douchebag of the day : some crazy hobo that screamedd when we were running and PEOPLE. >< !!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Chapter 15 test, right on my nose

AHHHHHH . This week is so hectic. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday = test for Wong. Plus 9 miles on Saturday. Study, study, and train for the raceee. >< !

My Sunday was awesome cause I did Euro allllll dayyyyyyy and I better get a good grade on that test.

Can't believe I missed half of One Tree Hill studying for tomorrow's test in Wong. ONE TREE HILL !! and Gossip Girl. What am I turning into ?? >< !

If Logan can't teach chemistry for shit, then I gotta step up and learn it myself. Thanks to Ireland for getting that into my head.

I was the 25th person in our class to finish this running contest and I didn't get candy. ]:

People need to stop taking out their feelings on other people. Just go somewhere else to vent out your anger so that it won't hurt others. Or just talk it outt.. no need for some dramatic scenes..

heheh This blog is for Tiffany and Finnie who stayed up yesterday waiting for my blog. LOL !

Today's highlight : Tiffany walking me home ! , seeing coachh :] , and punching the crap out of Marco. hehehe

Douchebag of the day : sister.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dramatic people.. just chill

omggg dudee, three people called me in the morning, while I was sleeping. But it's okay, I went back to sleep right after. x]

So I went to the Lincoln carnival, the one behind 99cents store, and it was pouringgg when I was walking/running there. All I had on was some bball shorts, tank top, and a jacket; I was still cold from getting soaked. -__- The carnival was deserted mann. So we left to go homee at like 4ishh. Then Tiffany and I walked Finnie home cause I didn't want to go home yet. Tiff and I just hung at McDonald's and I saw Ruben ! hahahaha

Today was pretty dramatic.. mann people need to learn how to chill. And don't hate. PEACE&&LOVE.

I got you Tubby ! xD

umm yeahh, hope you feel better Finnie and I'm here. Even if I may not sound like it. x]

Today's highlight : Running in the rain with Finnie, sitting in McDonald's and talking with Tiffany, laughing my ass of at Danny, anddd people telling truths.

Douchebag of the day : William >< and stupid peoplee