Monday, November 10, 2008

My Arizona !

Man today was a goooooood day. hahahaha

I got 2/2 points for Wong. yay !

Remember how I thought I did horrible on the geomtry assessment ? Well.. I got the second highest grade in my class ! It made my dayyy cause I was so surprised. hehehe

PE was good too cause we had to run and it was cold so it made me all warm. x]]

In mandarin class, I was so self-conscience cause someeeee people were making fun of my pimple. >< ! It's called stress !! Damn you FRIENDS.

HA ! I learned the red neck today hahahah and I tried it on Jonathan cause he wouldn't give me back my phone. That sub sure knew how to show some cleavageee. O.o

Seriously, Marco's voice cracks me up everytime I hear it. hahahah It's like he can't sound mean anymore and bully people. PUAHAHAHHAHA

I thought todayy was gonna get hotter as the day went on but it was still cold ! and I was in a t-shirt !.

Kevin and Ken owes me an arizona cause they totally took my 3/4 full bottle that Ricky bought for me to make up for yesterday and ran away with it. T___T

Afterschool, I didn't want to go home so I went to CT with Tiff to get her stretchers. And then I waited for Julie to come out of her house to go to my house to run but she was taking forever so I just sat and talked to Danny cause he was at the dentist. Man, me and Julie had to run after the bus cause we didn't see it coming. hahahah So we rann to Sophia's house to pee cause my uncle was hogging the restroom and then ran all the wayyy to Solano to get Wilson's bike. But then he wouldn't lend it to us. Julie then went home and I rode the bus with both Vincent's and Andy. Preeeetty collldddd. After, I walked home with Bryan and got locked out cause my sister wouldn't let me in. >< !

Today's highlight : running to Solano [ so funnn ] , considerate people makes me happy, seeing John, not getting runned over by a car, anddd good grades.

Douchebag of the day : KEVIN, KEN, and Bryan.

I wonder why most of my douchebags are guys... O.o

1 comment:

Hello; my name is Kevin. said...

why is my name in first instead of kens?

Also, have you ever considered yourself the douche bag of the day?