Sunday, November 16, 2008


On a smoky and hazardous air polluted morning, Tiffany's and Sherry's phone call me woke up to go study at 11am. wow.. dedicated studying people..

At Finnie's, I totally burned Finnie is AP Euro. hehehe. Feels good man. But yeah, Tiffany, Sherry, and Nicole came too. I guess I did alot of studying cause this time I came home with a headache. Finnie's an AWESOMEEEEEE geometry teacher if you didn't know. She has all the answers ;) .

Why can't I come home and actually feel like I'm at home for once ?

Today's highlight : Burning Finnie's ass in Euro. X]

Douchebag of the day : FINNIE. FINNIE. FINNIE. and Finnie for calling me fat and farting.

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