Friday, October 31, 2008


Halloween was funnn. heheh I walked so freaken much. Went home, waited for Betty, went to her house, went to Finnie's, then Sophia's, then Dino's, thennn Heidi's house. Thennnn, we went trick or treating withh Tiffany, Cindy, Betty, Finnie, Heidi, and Juliee. HAHAH Tiffany was pushing me on a shopping cart cause something happened to my ankle and it hurted. YES, I JUST USED A "NON-EXISTENT" WORD.

Dude, Wong's cookies were so good. He said that they were just Pillsbury dough. Needa try that one day. I have an A !! YAY ! The percentage didn't even change.. -__-

Groups for a mandarin project ? This should be interestingg. xD

Jonathan is my new punching bag. He's gonna teach me something new each day about defending myself. hahaha I learned how to do an effective punch. Now you should watch out.

After trick or treating, I went over to Lisa's and caught up on some good old stuff. I ate her kiwis and there was no skin on it this time! That means my lips weren't getting swollen and shit. hehehhe


Today's highlight : Bryan saying hi to me with balls. x]

Douchebag of the day : A numerous amount of people whose name I shall not mention.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tomorrow's Halloween ;]

Melancholy is taking overr. Something has to happen to change the way things are.

wow, just hopinggg I got at least a B in the Euro essay.

heheh We played softball in the gym for pe today and I made the last out. xD muhahaha

I don't get why I can't go to sleep feeling happy. Like something always happens that gets me mad and it stays like that cause they don't know it.

Well yeahh, tomorrow's Halloween and I'm looking forward to the scary movies. x]

Today's highlight : hahah Ken dancing in the middle of the roadd.

Douchbag of the day : damn horndogs.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I take it back.

I want to take those words back but I don't know how to.

Euro is making me think about dropping. But I will not disappoint Susan and Sherry. I WILL GO ON !

Geometry is so boringgg, I swear, ever since we changed seats. ]:

My ankle was so much better today but thenn the damn sub made us run a mile. So I just walked it and later, in mando, it hurted like a bitchhh. >< !!

I hope I did good in the English assessment but I couldn't concentrate as much cause Jonathan wouldn't shut up.

T______T 30 minutes doing an in-class essay isn't so bad.. MUST DO GOOD and keep the A in Euro. x]


Today's highlight : Catching on some good old times with certain people.. xD

Douchebag of the day : STUPID BEE ! My poor rice krispies.. and I lost my highlighter Q_Q

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



I ruined everything cause I'm such a noob. T__T.

Doesn't seem like it but I'm so stressed out. Hope everything will fall into place..

GONNA have one more follower, whenever Yili decides to CLICK FOLLOW.

I'm sad, super duper sad.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Now I am just gonna blog whenever I'm feeling like it cause I lost the motivation.

Wow, I had a really busy weekend. hehe

I went to USC on Saturday for MESA with Sophia and Tiffany. When we were supposed to be in sessions, we were out sitting on the grass and eating illegal ice cream from the cart. hahha
Our pumpkin should've won cause me and Sophia made it in like an hour without FINNIE'S help. >< ! The Halloween party was fun.. hahaha ! I had an awesomeee time. wink *

EEECCCCCKKKKKK ! Ran 6 miles in 1 hour and 12 minutes.. :) I think that's pretty good for my first SRLA race. I saw the Mt. Gleason runners too but I didn't say hi. It would be awkward..
Sadly, I cracked my ankle when running and the pain didn't start until like.. 6pm. T__T

Study sessions are funn funn funnnn ! That's all Imma say. ;]

ahhh. My dad got mad at me for staying out day and night this weekend. I guess he's right. Now Imma stay home this week and do hw.

Friday, October 24, 2008

My Apologies

Once again, didn't blog yesterday.
I was preparing for today's chapter 14 test for Wong.hahaha
At Tiffany's house until..9:15 ?
Man, it helped so much cause I just didn't know one question on the test ! woot ! woot !

ehhhhhhhhh... I am tired. >< ! hahaha Going to USC tomorrow for MESA and then carving the pumpkin for Yuca's pumpkin contest. Imma be even more tiredd on Sunday after the 6k race for SRLA. T___T

oh welllssss. MUST FINISH MY GEOMETRY HW; falling behinddd :[

I miss a lot of my Elementary friends.. I love it when they call me in the mornings hahahahah.

Yesterday's highlight :

Today's highlight : Shirley's phone call and Winnie the Pooh cellphone chain !

Douchebag of the day : Stupid guys = no bball courts

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


As you may know, I forgot to blog yesterday cause I was so tired.

Afterschool yesterday, I went to play bball with Tiffany, Sophia, and Josiee. But we only got to play for like.. 30 minutes ?

Thenn I went roller skatinggg. Two words. I sucked. haahhahaha
It was fun though; Ken and Carlos came like an hour and a half late. puhahahahaha.

The rest of the night went like this : Euro hw, procrastination, Euro hw, and more procrastination.

And happy birthday Chris ! x]

TODAY. sucked.
Long lecture notes from Wong. But it's all goood in the hoood. (;

Geometry sucks now. We had to change seats so now I don't sit next to Marco. :[[ Instead I sit alone and with a loud voiced person in front of me.

Damnit, I didn't get to do my physical cause I didn't sign one piece of paper cause it was in korean ! >< Wonder when is the due date for it ... -____-

I guess I talked too much in mandarin class. Chai moved me away from Bryan and he had to sit all the way up front. hahaha No one to talk to now cause people around me are mean.

Sooo, I am not going to lazer tagg. But I may never know my buddy since Maria threatened me. T___T. Friggenn, everyone knows their buddy except me.

And how come I'm the only one that didn't get my report card ?!?!

Today's highlight : The sunny, sunny sun. xD

Douchebag of the day : Euro's a bitch.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I am tired today so quick post.

Not satisfied with my test grade for Euro. But will not give up !

My group got our project down but the stupid microscope didn't work. We're doing things about hairrrr. x]

In geometry, Marco beat my test grade by two points !! Damnit. I still have an A and he doesn'tttt. hehehe

Four laps in 7 minutes and 10 seconds. Preeeetty good. XDD Thank you soo much Tesia for pulling some strings and getting me into SRLA.

I don't even wanna talk about 5th period. >< . Except the itouch is hard to navigate with its security and passwords.

Today's highlight :
M&M's with peanuts. Thank you Jane !

Douchebag of the day : Various people whom I will not mention.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Summer Memories :]

I was talking to Shannon on aim and we were reminiscing our old childhood summers where we were always over at each others house. wow. We made up so many stupid games to entertain us when we were bored. Well, she actually got the games from her family. hahaha We were so lame.. I miss our carefree summers. Shannon, help me bring them backk.

I am so tireeddddd. Went to sleep around 12 yesterday and woke up at 7:30 am on a SUNDAY !! That's how much I love the girl's bball team. I hope we made more money this time at the car wash cause it seemed like we did soo much more workk. Maybe it was just that there were lesser people this time. >< !

Supposedly, I was gonna go play tennis after the car wash but damn them peeps; dare to cancel on me. So instead of tennis, I went straight home and slept my ass off. x]

Good day, except for the fact that my legs got darker from staying in the sun and my Dad getting mad at me.

Today's highlight : Anne's constant "Hey, sexyyy." with that perverted smile of hers.

Douchebag of the day : Bryan, for abandoning me for a party. ><

Saturday, October 18, 2008


The yuca's street clean-up was gooooood. I accidently bumped into Mrs. Valasquez when I was picking up trash. I miss her soo much ! My favorite LA's Best teacher in Elementary school. She was the one that changed my writing cause she called it "chicken scratch". That's why I write so freakishly neat now. Man, I love herrr. xD

After yuca, I went with Finnie and other people to Alpine to play some basketball ! ohh yeahhhh bball.. I've improved on my cross over dribble ! x]

Thenn, we went to play tennis which I totally owned them on. hahahah That one little guy can never shut his mouth.. and his voice is pretty loud. >< Annoying little twerp.

I knew that guys are also self-conscious but it's nice to know that some has the guts to ask girls about themselves. I admire that because I can't do the same.

Why can't they finish fixing my street already ?! So that my neighbor can go to the car wash and help the girl's bball team. aarrrggggggg.

Finished all my homework so I can.. more tennis tomorrow after car wash ? Maybe.

Today's highlight :
Basketball, my love. And talking to Mrs. Valasquez who really changed my life.

Douchebag of the day : Chris at the tennis courts.

Friday, October 17, 2008

>< !

I'm pretty sure I failed Wong's test. Maybe half. ]:

Logan yelled at me for disturbing another class, which I did not cause they didn't even hear me. But since I have such a big guilty conscious, I tend to feel really bad afterwards. -___- !

yay ! The geometry test was pretty easy. I may have not finished the homework but I will not give up ! ohh and thanks to Ken, Tiffany, Finnie, and Sandy for attempting to teach me. xD

Mando class was extremely boring today. Same sub for two days in a row. I've noticed that I get mad at this particular person too easily. It's cause I don't know how to express myself in words well. And I'm sorry if I come out as a person who takes everything seriously but I'm not. Just don't give up on me too.

ewww. I retook the grammar test for english. Hopefully I get 100% this time. ><

Today's highlight :
Bryan's snickers ! hahahaha I'm making him spend too much money. lol

Douchebag of the dayy : Geometry's a bitchh.


Quick blog today.
Going to the street clean-up and Halloween party for Yuca.
Selling car wash tickets for the girl's bball team !
Loveeee 5th period. It's cause of the M&M's. xD
Back to school night wasn't baddd. Except for the fact that nobody went. Also I kept seeing Chris everywhere. >< ! haha jkk uhhhhhhh.. Hopefully I won't fail tomorrow's geometry test that I don't understand. Or Wong's test. I need some encouragement for me to keep the A. -___- MUST NOT GIVE UP !!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Insanely boring day.
Nothing to talk about.
Worried about tomorrow.
Afterschool study session with Wong + Yuca + Back to school night + Magnet meeting + Chapter 13 test tomorrow = one big mess.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For yili

As I mentioned before, there are people out there reading this useless blog. For example, Yili told me she reads my blog everyday. That made me so happy! And she is the only that showed such a reaction to my blog.. I AM HAPPY.

I hate it when people give up so easily and then turn to other people for the resolutions. Not you Finnie, but others out there. >< Just don't quit you know ? Keep going and don't stop, if you know for sure what you want.

awww Today's game against Chris sucks ! We were winning and then we lost. I wished the game was up to 21 not 11 so that we can play longerrr. ): Now I either do this mandarin homework or buy him boba.. I think mando cause it's easy.

OH BUDDHAAA. I don't think I want my sister to hook up with Finnie's brother. Then we are gonna be sister-in-laws ! ewwwwwww. LOL But then again, Finnie wants them to so badd. Whyy ?!!?

I think I'm allergic to kiwi's skin. I ate one after dinner and my spoon touched the skin. Then about 5 minutes later, my lips started to swell and had a ickkyy tingling feeling to it. Nastyyyy. Oh yeah, today was Shannon's 14th bday ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !

Today's highlight :
Bryan's M&M's with peanuts. My favorite. xD

Douchebag of the day : Those mexicans that took over the bball courts.

Monday, October 13, 2008


YAYAY ! I finished my worksheet for Wong today without falling asleep in 2 hours ! I feel accomplished. xDD

So in chemistry I made my group fail our week 5 quiz.. T___T Sorry Susan and Sherry.
My first time being a non-dress for pe wasn't that baddd, except for the part where I still had to run up that hill..

Mando class was alright. Although I have two days of hw to make up now since I did the other one wrong. sighhh No one was there to make funny faces for me to laugh at today. ]:

ehhhhh Jonathan was sad today cause Mr. Nagaoka said that his "our" needs to be more well written. That's why he got it wrong. It's okay Jonathan ! I mean I got a 70%. But Imma retake it cause I can ! High five to Sophia who got 100% .

Dude, the whole day, I got headaches. I blame my neighbor for blasting their stereo.
On Wednesday, we're staying with our first period teacher the whole day cause of the PSAT's. WOW. Wong for the wholeee day.. imagine that.
REMINDER : Join SRLA. Must remember... Also, look at Bryan's sexybackkk. AHAHAHA

Today's highlight : My first 100% on a geometry test !

Douchebag of the day : Kevin Dang. hehehe Just to see his reaction..

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I got cereal !

I was planning my whole Sunday to do the second page of AP Euro and I succeeded.
But with many interruptionss. ><
hahahahaha Churros at Costco are HUUGGEEEE and for only a dollar. I also got a chocolate yogurt thing, chocolate my ass.>:[
heheeheh I got cereallllll+milkkkk+crossiants+vitamins. xDD I'm happy.
So the LA Lakers won over the Sacramento Kings ! 94- 89 . woot woot !
I like it when people talk to me about their problems. It makes me feel special cause they would want to share it with me. Although I bet their pinkies hurt. (;

Livejournal ? I'll check it out.

Today's highlight :
IV: we have chemistry together..
IV: next period!

hahahah He likes it.

Douchbag of the day : The guy who couldn't stop saying the F word in line. Shows how many words are in his vocabulary.


Talking on aim is so freakingishly funnnnyyy !
So, Bryan is a cookie hater. >.< style="font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; color: rgb(15, 5, 149);" size="12" face="Arial">Bota:
beat you to a mushy slimy human pulp"
She also made me feel lonely saying I have no followers... but I know there are people reading this !
Shit man, Wen met the Wong Fu Productions and was rubbing it in my face. >:O

Young Nak's festival was deserted basically. I hope Ken is gonna work his ass off tomorrow. [:
The wind messed up my hair so I had to tie it up, which I haven't done since foreevverrr.

aacckkkk I dunno what to say cause people are rushing me. cough*cough*
Postponed Euro hw until tomorrow. Just doing one page though. xD
Really hope I got a 7 and 1/2 or more on the essay.

Today's highlight : Dino's hamburger. Haven't had one in about half a yearr..

Douchebag of the day : AP Euro book. (;

Friday, October 10, 2008

Shaking Windows >.<

The windows are scaring me ! It's windy outside so the windows are shakingggg !
and he criticized mine. ]:

I guess today was an okay day. More downs than ups.
I sucked at bball today in pe and it brought me down.
We wrote an essay in Euro in 1st period; I hope I did good !
HAHAAHAH Sherry and Susan are so funnnyyyy ! We were talking about things in chemistry. LOL
ALLERGIES SUCKKKSSSS. Sneezing like crazy when I got home..
But I ate pho so it's allllll gooooooooooood.

MAN, I'mma MAKE Vincent read my blogs to annoy him.
ARRRRGGGGGGG. I fell asleep again when I got home.
Boring blog today cause I can't stop talking on aim. (:

Thursday, October 9, 2008


HI !
So I made this account on on October 9, 2008 at 10:30 pm inspired by Kevin Danngggg.

Well, I'm supposed to be studying for my AP Euro essay tomorrow.
But somehow I ended up here. THANKS ALOT KEVIN.