Friday, October 10, 2008

Shaking Windows >.<

The windows are scaring me ! It's windy outside so the windows are shakingggg !
and he criticized mine. ]:

I guess today was an okay day. More downs than ups.
I sucked at bball today in pe and it brought me down.
We wrote an essay in Euro in 1st period; I hope I did good !
HAHAAHAH Sherry and Susan are so funnnyyyy ! We were talking about things in chemistry. LOL
ALLERGIES SUCKKKSSSS. Sneezing like crazy when I got home..
But I ate pho so it's allllll gooooooooooood.

MAN, I'mma MAKE Vincent read my blogs to annoy him.
ARRRRGGGGGGG. I fell asleep again when I got home.
Boring blog today cause I can't stop talking on aim. (:

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