Sunday, October 19, 2008

Summer Memories :]

I was talking to Shannon on aim and we were reminiscing our old childhood summers where we were always over at each others house. wow. We made up so many stupid games to entertain us when we were bored. Well, she actually got the games from her family. hahaha We were so lame.. I miss our carefree summers. Shannon, help me bring them backk.

I am so tireeddddd. Went to sleep around 12 yesterday and woke up at 7:30 am on a SUNDAY !! That's how much I love the girl's bball team. I hope we made more money this time at the car wash cause it seemed like we did soo much more workk. Maybe it was just that there were lesser people this time. >< !

Supposedly, I was gonna go play tennis after the car wash but damn them peeps; dare to cancel on me. So instead of tennis, I went straight home and slept my ass off. x]

Good day, except for the fact that my legs got darker from staying in the sun and my Dad getting mad at me.

Today's highlight : Anne's constant "Hey, sexyyy." with that perverted smile of hers.

Douchebag of the day : Bryan, for abandoning me for a party. ><

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