Wednesday, October 22, 2008


As you may know, I forgot to blog yesterday cause I was so tired.

Afterschool yesterday, I went to play bball with Tiffany, Sophia, and Josiee. But we only got to play for like.. 30 minutes ?

Thenn I went roller skatinggg. Two words. I sucked. haahhahaha
It was fun though; Ken and Carlos came like an hour and a half late. puhahahahaha.

The rest of the night went like this : Euro hw, procrastination, Euro hw, and more procrastination.

And happy birthday Chris ! x]

TODAY. sucked.
Long lecture notes from Wong. But it's all goood in the hoood. (;

Geometry sucks now. We had to change seats so now I don't sit next to Marco. :[[ Instead I sit alone and with a loud voiced person in front of me.

Damnit, I didn't get to do my physical cause I didn't sign one piece of paper cause it was in korean ! >< Wonder when is the due date for it ... -____-

I guess I talked too much in mandarin class. Chai moved me away from Bryan and he had to sit all the way up front. hahaha No one to talk to now cause people around me are mean.

Sooo, I am not going to lazer tagg. But I may never know my buddy since Maria threatened me. T___T. Friggenn, everyone knows their buddy except me.

And how come I'm the only one that didn't get my report card ?!?!

Today's highlight : The sunny, sunny sun. xD

Douchebag of the day : Euro's a bitch.

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