Saturday, January 31, 2009


Haven't been the best two days. Yesterday, woke up with a sore throat and somewhere along the day, I've gotten a headache. Which, later, ended up into a fever. So I slept the whole day and slept some moree.

Todayy, I woke up to go play basketball at Lincolnn. The practice ended at 2. Coach K talks a lot.. I got to the Chinatown festival volunteering at 3. ): Oh wellsss. It was fun. There was free Yakult! hahaha Anways, we took pictures too. Free again. Finnie, Betty, Heidi and I was at this small slide thing. Yeahh.. funnn. I got moved to another part of that thing to stop little kids from cutting. -.-

We were going home but the Dash stopped running. So Betty and Alina went by themselves to walk home. Heidi's sister drove me and Finnie home. heheheh. Much safer than Betty.

I was really thirsty just now and I felt like drinking soda. But then, I went and drank lang chaa. Finnie would be proud. xD

My mom and I don't talk as much now. I want to but it's finals week and Wong is a socializing killer.

Man, I gotta finish my english homework...studying for euro tomorrow..

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A rocket to the moon

Pretty tiring day. I really want Mt. Gleason's class schedule. It had more classes but longer periods where you get more free time and an extra day to do homework. Unlike in Lincoln, where you would have to finish everything the next day with 6 periods.

I have no idea why I started talking about Spain when the question asked about Russia for Wong's test. -.-. I think I could've done better.

Finally, I changed seats in chem class. You have no ideaaaa who annoying Raphael is. He has ADD or something. I had to yell at him to stop making those continuous tick tick tick sounds. A couple of times too. Now I sit next to Kevin, who makes me listen in class. -___-

I thought today's geometry test was easy. Finished it pretty quick.

I kinda like the snake cause of the up and downs. haha. I gave Ricky a flower today. A yellow one to be specific. But then in lunch, he told me that someone killed it. ): I am gonna find out who that evil person is. Killing the flower I gave to Ricky.

So karma bit me in the ass today. I was fast walking to Chai's class when I tripped on the steps and my shoe fell. Darn.. and Chris tried to stop laughing, didn't work out. Next up is Michelle. haha

I think I am getting sick.. because I kinda have a sore throat. And that's the start of everything.

The one day I don't have homework for Wong and I went home and slept.

Edit : Sillage - the smell of leaving...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Just finished studying for euro and my eye's twitching again. Gonna sleep after this blog. Just for my fans. I like to think that I have fans so it'll keep me motivated.

I learned today in chemistry class. But we had a sub named Mrs. Cajina. haha

In pe, we ran a mile and my time was 8 minutes and 30 seconds. Let's start running Danny. Again.

Well.. yeahhh. Tiring day. Afterschool, Tesia, Finnie and I went to Tiffany's house to study. I can only memorize things when I either say it outloud or hear it. I can't just read the book and remember it. ><. Can't do it like Sherry. haha

I told my mom that I wanted another computer so I can do my hw. Without my sister's complainance. She just said to tell my oldest sister to find a good one and she'll pay for it. I was surprised that she said that. Wonder how it would be like with two comps.. Maybe it'll get peaceful. For once.

In my youtube account, I have this playlist of all of my favorited songs. I would just play it all the while I can and it'll keep me company with euro. haha.

I hope I do good at tomorrow's test. It would really make up for the last test we took. >< !

Also, I wish some people would stop. It just gets annoying after a period of time. How come people don't believe what I say sometimesss ?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Of course

My right eye won't stop twitchingg.

Sooooo.. these past few days has been quite chaotic. Yepp. Euro and all these other things are just piling up together.

My day was okay. Just too cold.
Sighhh. Finals next week.

Happy Late Chinese New Year's !

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I am blogging after I just finished with number 1&2 for euro. Took about a page and a half. Superr long. I am tired and still haven't had dinner yet because not everyone is home yet. T___T

It has been a long day.

I guess I should write my paragraph about Kevin's coolness. It's to boost his self-confidence. I hope no one will get jealous. xD

His name is Kevin Dannngggg. You gotta love his name. I wished i had a cool name like that. It'll be like Xiao [pause] Dannnggggg. hahahahahahahha. I feel so lame typing about his coolness. But yes, he's cool. He sure knows how to cheer someone up. Like when I fell, he said, " Told you." LOL I'm jkkk. Well, he's the one who made me make this blog. Now it's a habit of mine. Gave me something to do while procrastinating from euro. Also, we both freeload from people during lunch. Then we fight each other for the food that we got. hahah. That's how cool he is.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


" How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after.
All that I feel is the realness I'm faking
Taking my time but it's time that I'm wasting. "

Shit, I can't walk home without being honked or spoken to by strangers. It's annoying, you horny bastards. Keep your dick inside your pants please.

I wonder why whenever I start playing a sport, I won't stop till hours later. It's too funn. You knoww ?? I guess you can say the same about games.

I'm so stressed out and tired. But you know what?! No pain, no gain. Reminds me of when Finnie was putting alcohol on my arms and when my sister pealed off the bandages. Awww... good times.

Also, I'm a winner in someone's book. No matter what you say.(:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Danny !

Danny's birthday todayyyy. 17. So old. But yet looks so immature. haha:)

Well, it rained. Showered. Sprinkled. Drizzled. Whatever.

Wong's test was hard. You know the stuff but the answers are too alike. ><

No more proofs ! High Five Andy !! haha

Another one of WDK lunch times. hahaha xDD I never knew Julie could be so funny.

So in mandarin, I gotta start making flashcards now. Since she wants to collect them. ><

I was hoping that we would not need to do another speech for Nagaoka. Guess that's not happening.

YUCA's normal. Loud. I was as still as a rock. You said it Kevin.

I feel like such a boring person. -.-

It's coming man. I FELT IT FOR HOURSS.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Unexpected. The good connotation. (:

Monday, January 19, 2009


Sometimes, you are out of words. Helpful words. Caring words. Soothing words. Whatever. But all they need is the security of your presence.

And sometimes, that's all that matters.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I noticed youtube has a new music video for How to Save a Life by The Fray. I remember it was a different one. ):

So, the Unborn is.. another movie I wouldn't recommend to watch. I screamed. Quite a lot. hahah

Smiling Pasta. Is on channel 18. -__- I hate that drama. That girl can't act. I'm sorry. It doesn't have english subs. So those that can't understand mandarin, you won't be able to watch it. hahahaha

I dislike it very much. The goddamn internet. I need to stop giving the wrong impressions. I prefer face-to-face interactions. Also, please excuse my bluntness.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Never again

I wouldn't suggest people to watch Mall Cop or Marley and Me. They weren't bad or anything, just no storyline. Mall Cop was funny, not hilarious. Has no meaning. Marley and Me is more for dog people. Pretty boring..

So there was this really weird guy in back of us when we were watching Marley and Me. He made the weirdest noises. Plus, he was sitting alone with a face that didn't exactly seem friendly.

There was the time when Finnie and I went to the restroom. And I heard humming. So I asked, " Finnie, is that you?" She said, " No.."
Later, I heard some voice talking. I asked again, " Finnie, are you talking to me ?" She said no again. After we came out, I figured out it was a little girl in another stall. So embarrassing.

Sherry reminds me of how I used to be back in middle school and now. I just don't show it as much as her. She makes me reminisce...the past.

AIM keeps me from doing homework. 100% of the time. I would like to feel accomplished again.

Anyways, I apologize to Stephen about my abruptness. Thanks for just being there even when there's nothing to say.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Shitty mood

Today was such a crappy day. Finnie and Jonathan were making fun of my facial expression in chem. I did not find it funny. ><

The geometry's test was pretty easy.. I hope I did good on the proof. Marco let me play with his DS. Mario game. hahaha. I lost in like the first encounter with a turtle.

In pe, I played badminton with Cindy. She's good. hahaha. We could've kept the birdie up in the air without Kevin ruining it.

Since it's Friday, we had a magnet government meeting. Meaning no lunch. T__T. So I was super hungry and no one had food.

Later in mando, we had a lot of work to catch up. I worked on it the whole period and I ended up with a headache. Leading to my pissy mood after 5th period.

Hunger + headache = YOU DIEEE. Especially since Kevin took my yogurt that Finnie saved for me. >
Then, I took my anger out on Jonathan. He tried to pinch me but I started slapping and punching him. It worked and he actually did his work when I told him to.

Afterschool, Finnie and I went to watch the JV's and Varsity play against Wilson High School. Man, we sucked. hahahaha. It's okay cause they did good. I thought so. I STILL HAVE HOPE IN YOU GUYS! Oh btw, my geometry teacher was there watching the game, Mrs. Flores.

I noticed that my face's scar has deepened its color. Making it more noticable. Darn. And Betty said that the cocoa butter will help. ><

I hope you don't like livejournal, Kevin ! So you can come back to Blogger. hehe.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Such a hot day. We did physical test in pe today and I gained weight over the winter break. This sucks. hahaha

I love how our table in lunch has so much tomatoes and pickles. hahaha. It's super duper awesome.

Some Shanghainese people came to out school and our mandarin class got to meet them. Except I didn't really pay attention cause Chris kept messing with me. So I punched him in the face. xD

For once, Jonathan didn't mess with me in 6th period. hehe. I hope he keeps getting headaches.

I went home afterschool and ate cereal. Then I slept for two hours since I couldn't focus on euro. Then I woke up and showered and actually did more euro than I thought I would. Sleep can do wonders people.

And here I am. One more thing, Bryan keep calling me fat or stupid and I will punch you in your face. >:O

Why am I surrounded by so much selfish people? I kept asking myself this question today. Maybe Kevin can explain this to me but I wanna wonder for a bit.

I feel it coming. Soon enough, it will be here..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So, wrote an essay in wong's class today. I basically repeated myself over and over again. hahahahha. I'm doomed.

I am really out of shape. We ran a little in pe and I was pretty worn out. >< !

In lunch, Ivan randomly grabbed my backpack and I was talking to Julie. Chris goes behind her and crushes me and Julie. It was quite painful..if you know what I mean.

Slept through mandarin cause Ms. Chai was just talking about random stuff.

Nagaoka was very descriptive about the book we were reading in class. hahaha His imitations were funny.

I had to return the Green Mile today to the library. So Danny and I walked there. We did out hw there too cause it just felt right. And I treated this time. Feels goood. xDD

hahaha I kept saying to myself that the hw for euro is easyyy so I can take my time. hahahaha I was wrongggg. Just finish about now but yeahh..

Good day, I guess ?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My mom

My mom is hilarious. She was just trying to do some exercises and she tried to do a situp. It was the funniest shit I have seen in a longgg timeee. HAHHAHAHAHAA. I love my mom. xDD

In geometry, Andy was singing the song on my blog and I couldn't even remember it until 30 secs later ! hahahaha

An intense game it was Andy. But you know that you lost the badminton game to me.

The cake made for Tiffany's bday was actually VERY good. hahahah
Who got to leave at 12 from school. ><

Ms. Chai likes my new years resolution. hehehehe.

So in english, Jonathan was poking my elbow. The elbow with the scab and I wanted him to stop so I said you're touching my bone and it hurts. Well then, he took my arm and pinched everywhere around the scab and said, " It's not on the bone, it's all fat." And I slapped him for that. hahahahha

It's American Idol season now !! I love that show.

And lastly, I don't blame you Kevin for texting me two times. hahaha. Gotta look on the bright side more and you need something to do to take your mind off of things.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Woot Woot ! 12 and 1/2 out of 15 possible points. Pretty good. Now my sister owes me a dollar. xD

hmm.. Nothing interesting happened. But I love how the WDK were together most of the time. Super fun.

Cheer up, Kevin !

Once again, I'm seated next to Jonathan in Nagaoka's class. Three more weeks of torture till I'm out. >< I hateeee sitting next to him. Where's my knight in the shiny armor ?


Damnit. Proofs again in geometry.

There were alot of funny moments that made me burst out laughing. Too hilarious.

Afterschool, Sophia, Julie, and I went to Finnie house to bake a cake for Tiffany's bday tomorrow. But a few minutes after the cake went into the oven, my mom called telling me to go home and I didn't object. xDD

11:30 and two more questions to go for euro.

I can do it. If I stop procrastinating.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


School's tomorrow. I want to go to school but not the classes. Gonna miss sleeping late and going out. ><

Oh yeah, I finished the Green Mile. I got tearyy cause it was sad. Good way to end the winter break. hahah

G'nights and don't forget to turn on your alarm clocks !

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Will not

Taking a euro test in the library on a winter vacation is pretty hard after two weeks of relaxation. But the food that Wong had made up for it.

Seeing Lisa for a couples of hours is better than none.

Hopefully, I will be done with Nagaoka's planning sheet by tonight.

Getting teary for John Coffey. Coffey like the drink only not spelled the same way. 56 pages left.


Gonna suck it up and let it go.

Everytime I listen to Just Go by Misdirection, I tend to get teary or maybe it's just today.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tacos !?

Woke up at 12 and was supposed to make lunch for my mom but overslept. Sorry mom ! Then Sophia called me and said that her softball tryouts were over already. So I had to get ready and go to the tennis courts. On the way, I called Julie to see if she was coming and asked Stephen if he wanted to play with us. Julie didn't make it cause of her knee doctor appointment thingy. It was just me, Sophia, Kelly, and Stephen. Kelly is in softball too so she stayed. We played for a while but then Sophia and Kelly left at 2. -___- Stephen and I played around till 3ish and left to go home. And then he called me a DOWNIE ! What is that ?!

Came home to an empty house, FOR ONCEE ! Ate a bowl of cereal. hahaha And then went to CVS with Danny so he can buy his lotion. hahahahah I guess you can say that I helped him. xD Then we saw Ivan.. -____-. hahahaha Went to the library so Danny can pee. Then off to yuca ! They had TACOS ! Who eats that ? We're all asian ! Sorry Danny. hahahahahha. I signed up for the Chinatown Lunar Festival but the afternoon shift cause I am not waking up at 7am to go. Kevin got a haircut and told me he didn't. ): That's cool. His beanie looked cool too. hahahaha ;)

Lucky me cause I forgot to bring a jacket to yuca and was so coldddd when I was walking home. The Dr. Pepper that I drank made me want to pee. Not a very good combinationnn.

Guess we're gonna have the study session at Tiffany's house instead of Finnie's. Doesn't matter to me but that means more walking . hahahaha.

I am getting more and more descriptivee. Haven't started on the english hw yet.. Plan to do it after the Euro test on Saturday. Maybe..

Edit : My mom was telling me that there was an earthquake around 7ish(?) hahahahah Pretty funny because I was showering and didn't feel a thing. I believe that this is a sign telling us Californians that there's gonna be an even bigger one. Soon enough.

"Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.

- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One more thing

I forgot to mention that I went to the dentist too. I had to take the Dash to there and back cause my dad left meee. T__T Hate my dentist. He's old and makes it hurttttttt. Even the simple things. ):

I am so happy today. hahahahahah. It was a very fun day. Laughed a lot too. Haven't done that in a while.. I think.

Planned to work on chemistry project with my group this week but Logan didn't respond to our e-mail so we're not going to. hahahah I bumped into Sherry in CVS and she told me. But I am always surprised by her so white and smooth skin. My mom would love her.
hahahhaah !

Wow, my dad just brought sushi home from work and they are sooo good. It's different from the ones I ate before. So so good.. can my day get any better ??

I'm so happyyy! xDD


Today, Betty and I went to CVS to buy cocoa butter for my scars. Then we went to Ricky's house so we can borrow his bball. We asked him if he wanted to play and he said sure. Later, while we were playing in the 99 cent park, since we never played inside the gym before and it was half empty, Ricky said, " Let's play here 'till we get kicked out." Danny came to play with us too. It was girls against guys but I think they were easy on us. I think the monster that Ricky gave me made me very happy and hyper.. o.o

hahahahah After we got kicked out of the gym, we shot baskets outside and play football afterwards. Everytime someone throws a hard one to me, I just dodge it. hehe. I'm guessing that monster also makes me burp a lot and very louddd. There was this kid that said "That's nasty." hahaha. Thank you Danny for clearing that up. But later, the same kid was kicking a dead bird! A pretty green bird too! ><

I miss hanging out with Ricky! [I hope he reads this blog] hahahah

Yesterday night, my mom was telling me about my chin scar which I got when I was around 3-4 ish. It was so funny because she kept telling me how she was so scared and left me with the doctor, since she was too scared to look at me. T__T But the cool part was that she told me I wasn't crying [she was] and was just staring at the ceiling. LOL ! Man I was one tough toddler. hahahaha! I guess my mom thinks I'm really good at holding physical pain in. That's cool. hahahhahaahha!

Kevin finished his study questions for euro! I am so happy for him. xD

Today, for dinner, I didn't have rice. I had noodles instead. That's so rare. hahahah

My new ringtone is If I Were a Boy. hahahahah! wink wink* Or maybe I'll change it soon to another one. xD

Sigh. I haven't started on Nagaoka's speech paper yett.. I'll get to it. Sooner or laterrr. hahahah

Hehe DAi Lo: i gained 4 pounds that day..
Hehe DAi Lo: now i have to lose it dammit!
Hehe DAi Lo: i over ate..
Hehe DAi Lo: Wow man 4 pounds..

LMAO! Made my day.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


was a very surprising day.

In my house, no one cusses AT each other. We cuss but not directly to someone. So when my sister said the "F" word TO me. I was mad. I don't like that word. At all.

100 stamps for $42.00. Wow.

I finished all of my euro hw before dinner but I had a hard time concentrating on it. I was just staring at the white walls half of the time. sighhh.

Something Finnie and Betty said today made me think a lot. It made sense and that's what putting it out of place. I don't know what I'm saying but all I need is for me to understand. :P

Nothing much to blog cause I don't remember what I needed to say anymore. T___T

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Damnit, I sign on to this website hoping to read blogs! I can't read April's somehow. I have no idea why. Kevin's blogs are about a sentence short and he complains about mine. No one else even blogs anymore! Why do you even have one then; gosh, just give up already.

I'm in a ranting mood. ><

Today, my sister went back to SD this morning. Don't know when is the next time she is coming back. After, I went over to Finnie's house to keep her company instead of going to Danny's bbq. ): Oh wells. Then, Betty came and it was just like in middle school. I miss those days where we would just talk all day and make jokes. [ soy sauce and dumplings] xD I miss those..

So, I came home. Guess someone messed with the electricity wires outside cause the lights went on and off. At first, I was fake screaming to scare my mom but then when the lights kept doing that, it got annoying. -__- After around the 7th time, it finally stopped. At least I wasn't showering this time the lights went off. I think it was those guys that always play football outside and accidentally hit a wire.

Everytime I wanna talk man... But for now, I'll just read the Green Mile.

I find it nice how everytime I see Steven, the first thing he does is ask me about my scabs. Don't worry, all I need now is those scar removal thingies..

Resolutions : Stop getting my hopes up and learn something new.
And no, Finnie. I am not gonna lose 5 pounds as my new year's resolution.

I've noticed many people want lots of unnecessary things. Seriously, it's just about the looks and the recognition that you actually have one right? WHO CARESSSSSSSSS. Also, I believe you already went back on your words. A day after.

It's a sad, sad situationnn.
And it's getting more and more absurdddd.

Gonna start sleeping early now.


I am officially mad. Stupid "publish post" saved less than half of this blog. So I had to remember everything that I typed about. I guess I'm mad because I used so much energy and time on one thing and the next moment, it's just gone.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's

Happy New Year's everyone ! One day late. hahaha

Well, I really wanted to go to San Diego with my sister this week. But my mom won't let us go alone. -___-

My tummy has been feeling nausea. I think it's too much chocolate.. ):

Finnie says I should eat healthier for 2009 but I don't think it'll work out for me. Too much junk food.

I have this whole list of songs that I have to dl. Then again, Ares is having too much viruses.

Wish you guys a good year.