Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One more thing

I forgot to mention that I went to the dentist too. I had to take the Dash to there and back cause my dad left meee. T__T Hate my dentist. He's old and makes it hurttttttt. Even the simple things. ):

I am so happy today. hahahahahah. It was a very fun day. Laughed a lot too. Haven't done that in a while.. I think.

Planned to work on chemistry project with my group this week but Logan didn't respond to our e-mail so we're not going to. hahahah I bumped into Sherry in CVS and she told me. But I am always surprised by her so white and smooth skin. My mom would love her.
hahahhaah !

Wow, my dad just brought sushi home from work and they are sooo good. It's different from the ones I ate before. So so good.. can my day get any better ??

I'm so happyyy! xDD

1 comment:

poopistheshit said...

Its great to see that you're happy ;DD

LOL!.. that's exactly what it is!
Er she is evil
i wont get to blog later on today
so i'm using the school library D;
heh well have another good day!