Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So, wrote an essay in wong's class today. I basically repeated myself over and over again. hahahahha. I'm doomed.

I am really out of shape. We ran a little in pe and I was pretty worn out. >< !

In lunch, Ivan randomly grabbed my backpack and I was talking to Julie. Chris goes behind her and crushes me and Julie. It was quite painful..if you know what I mean.

Slept through mandarin cause Ms. Chai was just talking about random stuff.

Nagaoka was very descriptive about the book we were reading in class. hahaha His imitations were funny.

I had to return the Green Mile today to the library. So Danny and I walked there. We did out hw there too cause it just felt right. And I treated this time. Feels goood. xDD

hahaha I kept saying to myself that the hw for euro is easyyy so I can take my time. hahahaha I was wrongggg. Just finish about now but yeahh..

Good day, I guess ?


GuitarHeroYao said...

So what do you mean by he goes behind you and crushes you? O_O

GuitarHeroYao said...
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