Thursday, January 29, 2009

A rocket to the moon

Pretty tiring day. I really want Mt. Gleason's class schedule. It had more classes but longer periods where you get more free time and an extra day to do homework. Unlike in Lincoln, where you would have to finish everything the next day with 6 periods.

I have no idea why I started talking about Spain when the question asked about Russia for Wong's test. -.-. I think I could've done better.

Finally, I changed seats in chem class. You have no ideaaaa who annoying Raphael is. He has ADD or something. I had to yell at him to stop making those continuous tick tick tick sounds. A couple of times too. Now I sit next to Kevin, who makes me listen in class. -___-

I thought today's geometry test was easy. Finished it pretty quick.

I kinda like the snake cause of the up and downs. haha. I gave Ricky a flower today. A yellow one to be specific. But then in lunch, he told me that someone killed it. ): I am gonna find out who that evil person is. Killing the flower I gave to Ricky.

So karma bit me in the ass today. I was fast walking to Chai's class when I tripped on the steps and my shoe fell. Darn.. and Chris tried to stop laughing, didn't work out. Next up is Michelle. haha

I think I am getting sick.. because I kinda have a sore throat. And that's the start of everything.

The one day I don't have homework for Wong and I went home and slept.

Edit : Sillage - the smell of leaving...