Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tacos !?

Woke up at 12 and was supposed to make lunch for my mom but overslept. Sorry mom ! Then Sophia called me and said that her softball tryouts were over already. So I had to get ready and go to the tennis courts. On the way, I called Julie to see if she was coming and asked Stephen if he wanted to play with us. Julie didn't make it cause of her knee doctor appointment thingy. It was just me, Sophia, Kelly, and Stephen. Kelly is in softball too so she stayed. We played for a while but then Sophia and Kelly left at 2. -___- Stephen and I played around till 3ish and left to go home. And then he called me a DOWNIE ! What is that ?!

Came home to an empty house, FOR ONCEE ! Ate a bowl of cereal. hahaha And then went to CVS with Danny so he can buy his lotion. hahahahah I guess you can say that I helped him. xD Then we saw Ivan.. -____-. hahahaha Went to the library so Danny can pee. Then off to yuca ! They had TACOS ! Who eats that ? We're all asian ! Sorry Danny. hahahahahha. I signed up for the Chinatown Lunar Festival but the afternoon shift cause I am not waking up at 7am to go. Kevin got a haircut and told me he didn't. ): That's cool. His beanie looked cool too. hahahaha ;)

Lucky me cause I forgot to bring a jacket to yuca and was so coldddd when I was walking home. The Dr. Pepper that I drank made me want to pee. Not a very good combinationnn.

Guess we're gonna have the study session at Tiffany's house instead of Finnie's. Doesn't matter to me but that means more walking . hahahaha.

I am getting more and more descriptivee. Haven't started on the english hw yet.. Plan to do it after the Euro test on Saturday. Maybe..

Edit : My mom was telling me that there was an earthquake around 7ish(?) hahahahah Pretty funny because I was showering and didn't feel a thing. I believe that this is a sign telling us Californians that there's gonna be an even bigger one. Soon enough.

"Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.

- Albert Einstein

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