Monday, March 30, 2009

Letting Go

We lost to Eagle Rock again. This time by 3 points. Last 3 minutes, we were ahead by 1. If only... T___T. But I packed Megan and kinda body slammed her. hahaha Although she got 3 free throws for that, she missed all of them. Yessss.

Oh yeah, I got a C on my inclass essay and I was so happy! I didn't mention one thing he said and bsed it and still a C! hahaha. My chem project's going nowhere. I wanna work on it tomorrow with Nicole but I'm probably going to Costco.....

Damn, am I tired or whattt.

"So don't waste your time worrying about
Small things that ain't relevant to me"

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I have not blogged since Tuesday, I believe ? Well, it has been quite chaotic. My sister's back in SD. More WWl in Wong's. Funnnnn. DBQ. Chem project. We shall beat Eagle Rock tomorrow. SPRINGGGG BRREEAAAAKKKK ! CHHYYAAAAHHHHH !

As I was playing bball today, my right calf muscle was hurting. Hopefully, it won't tomorrow and I'm sorry for calling Jessica, Julie. hahaha

I am sleeping early today cause I'm a goody. Ricky, remind me I have something to tell you.

Danny's cooolioooo. Betty's too hilariouss. Finnie's wackeddd.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New words

WOO! We beat Franklinnnn. I am sleeping early today because so I won't be tired tomorrow. I hope I get in the Magnet bball team with Jonathan and Arthur since there was no room but I still played. Oh yeahh.

ch1naman4: hehe..i like huge balls

"I will now rise from the ashes

Don't call me pretentious
I'm sitting here making my own rules"

Monday, March 23, 2009

Eureka Moments

Today, I had one of those moments when you just feel like giving up. But then, you know you can't because there are people who believe in you.

Thanks Jessica & Marisol <33

I hope you read this Jessica.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I am in need of eye drops.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Soooo, my whole Saturday was devoted to AP Euro. I am finally done with my study questions that I've put off the whole week. With lots of hiatus in between, I've gained too much knowledge that my head hurts now. haha. Darn, I didn't even go to Wilson's bday party cause of this. ><

I shall read my book for English tonight. I am almost done. Not the best book but it shows the conflicts between racism.

My sister went to BoA's concert and got her autographh. I am jealous. >:[

Deeply tired.

Friday, March 20, 2009


We beat Marshall ! Cool.
Not a pleasant day though. After Paulson's meeting, it was dark so I tripped on the stairs and fell down. Yep, my ankle's swollen now. Luckily, we don't have a game tomorrow. Yeeeeee.

"I'd rather run the other way than stay and see
the smoke and who's still standing when it clears

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have decided. My new favorite number is 19. I asked my mom for lucky numbers and she mentioned 8, 18, 19, and something something. But 19 is odd and I don't think a lot of people's favorite number is 19, so it's mine ! Too bad I can't change my uniform anymore. We are playing Marshall tomorrow and I heard their court is small so less running. hehe.

Those carefree summer days...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hot Hot Day

Feels like the summer days, especially in the gym running around. Sweeeeet.

Wow, four hours with Wong is torture. He actually makes us do work. Darn. We have once again tomorrow. I really like reading about WWl. This is when I'm actually starting to like reading that big fat book and I'm serious. haha

S, me and my sister had an idea of what to do on our Spring Break. We might go to San Diego if our parents let us travel by ourselves. I want to goo !

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

I'm losing the motivation to blog. >:[

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Heart of the Matter

"And I thought of all the bad luck,

and all the struggles we went through
How I lost me and you lost you
What are these voices outside love's open door
make us throw off our contentment
and beg for something more?"

Danny's cool. (:

haha. I didn't forget.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't Change

Musiq Soulchild <3

Yesterday, we won our game against West Adams Prep [53-16]. But today, we lost to Eagle Rock [31-41]. I can't wait till home game against them. I think we played harder yesterday than we did today. Our next game's with Marshall. Oh God. We're gonna lose to them.

I'm pretty tired. I slept when I got home and no one woke me up till 9:30. I had to shower and do lots of homework too. Ahhhh. Missed two days of De Puaw and I found out that I have a B+ in his class. It was cause of that one group that made me get a C on a assignment cause I didn't know what to do. ARG. I also have a B+ in chemistry. >< ! Two B's already ? But nope, I'm gonna let that go.

I can't wait for the weekend, where I can sleep and finish up my homework.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I think I failed my test for Wong today. haha. It's okay... I guess.

We lost our game against JV by 12 points. Not as bad as the sophomores. During the game, I jammed my ring finger on my left hand. It's like switched and I fell flat on my tummy too. hahaha. Scrapping my old scar from winter break burnsss.

I showed my mom my jersey. And she got mad cause I chose the number 14. I didn't know that the number 4 in Chinese is a bad number since if you say 4 in cantonese, it sounds like die/dead/death. Imma just try to switch it with someone so that she can be happy. From now on, my favorite number is no longer 14. hahaa.

Tomorrow's gonna be our first away game and Tiffany and Cindy has detention. Our freshman team is gonna consist of 7 players. Damn, we're gonna get a lot of playing time.

I forgot about what else was I gonna say. ><

Monday, March 9, 2009

Straylight Runnnn

"so we bottled and shelved all our regrets
let them ferment and came back to our senses
drove back home and slept a few days
woke up and laughed at how stupid we used to be"

Warren He was and still is a cooooolioo person. Life after elementary school sucked. I want to go back to Franco's class and sit next to Betty.

Must study for euro test !
Two games this week !

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Will Be

I miss the summer days. ):


I feel guilty for buying new shoes. ><. I hope it's for the best.

Blah blah I went to play bball at 99 park again and me, Finnie, and Betty played with Michelle and I think Amy is her sister. It was fun and cold. haha. I was so hungry when I got home. Now that I think about it, I've been hungry these few days. And I'm actually drinking lots of water. By lots, I mean two cups.

I hate Chapter 25 for euro. It gets offtrack and leds to small battles and stuff. Guess Imma just cram to get it done by tomorrow since the test is on Tuesday.

Rereading old books that are my favorites is awesome.

Danny's cool. (:

but I'm cooler like ice.

Friday, March 6, 2009

112 posts


Nothing is gonna be in my way.

And yes Kevin, I know how to put pictures on my blog.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Doors Down

Today's field trip to the Norton Simon Museum was actually pretty neat. It's the first art gallery that I learned something in. I liked the art cause I knew some aspects of it. The guards are so strick too; I put my arm on the wall and they said I couldn't do that. haha

Johnny Rockets is freaken expensive man. Never eat there. Although the little trinket thingy took 10 cents of us, it was pretty cool. Well the museum had this one garden. It's really nice with tadpoles, flowers, trees, etc. But the arm wrestle between Kevin and me made it better cause I won. hahaha

I missed Yuca since I was at bball practice. It's was a nice practice even though the sophomore team was slaughtering us cause we were missing out point guard and our center. >< !

Finnie's not cool. (:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So during Wong's unit test, I was sneezing quite a lot. I blame the allergies my 21/30 C. ><

In De Pauw's class, I fell asleep for the first time cause my back was facing him. I was super tired and finished reading already but when I started dreaming, I thought, " Wait, I'm not supposed to be sleeping !" And then I shot right back up.

In bball, the sophomore team is getting better while we're not. We just sit and listen while they get to practice. >:O Arg. And I sucked today. Returning my shoes and buying another one. So mah fann. hahahah Kevin, I'm funny.

Wellll, after practice today, instead of doing euro when I got home, I read the whole day. I was rereading "Keeping the Moon" which I borrowed from Sherry. I miss reading since I haven't read any other books except for that big fat euro book.

Wong's class is having for a field trip tomorrow. Yayy! One day of no school. haha

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I was just eating right now and my dad comes up to me asking what college I wanna go to. Since I was eating, I just shrugged.
Then he said," Of courseeee you don't know. Your brain is always off cause you're always eating. Have you counted how many things you ate since you got home? I wonder how can you eat so much."
And since I was still eating, I just mumbled bball. hahahahaahah He just sighed. xDD

My shoes came !!! AHAHAHHAHAHA. So happyyyyy !

The first official spring day is in March 20th but my allergy signs are already showing. I'm glad Wong always has tissues in his class.

Some people are just plain mean. So so so mean and that's just sad.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hardest Words

Wooo! I played bball the whole day with Betty, Tiffany, Cindy, Julie, Andy, Vincent, and Wilson at the 99 park. It was so fun. ahaha Even though the 8th graders were beating us. >< Afterwards, we just hung around McDonald's.

My sore throat is not going away. One side hurts when I swallow my saliva. haha.