Saturday, August 29, 2009



Thursday, August 27, 2009


One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Today, after shopping with my dad and sister, I went to get ice cream with Bryan at Rite Aid. They had this one flavor called watermelon cooler. It tasted nothing like watermelon and it was sour. Along the way, I met up with Senh, Vho, and Andy and we all got ice cream! hahaha. Then we played one game of horse at 99cent park with Chris too. And we left. -___- Off to Dino's. I was still full from the ice cream. Then we just went to Chieu's house. It was boring so I went outside and tried to bike standing up. I got the hang of it! hahaha. We were all just standing outside talking and biking. I really want a bike now! ):

and Jennika, you broke my corazon.

I know for sure I spelled that one right.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Best Friends

You call me your best friend.
I call you my best friend.
Yet, you don't make the effort
to meet up once this summer.
It makes me sad that you don't try.
I guess what's when people change
and never look back.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


POSTS! wooooohooooooo! Bet you Kevin that you didn't think I would last this long right? The prize was ice cream sandwiches btw. started with me waking up at 9 to go to bball practice. I hate jumping fences! Thankyou Jennika for guiding me throughout the whole process. hahahah. Then we found out the other gate was open. -___- Wooow. Only 6 girls showed up! Dangggg. Make us look freaaaken awesome. Anywaysss, yeahhh we just did shooting drills. So tomorrow's the car wash and I don't think Imma make it at 8am. Probably like 10 or 11am. Tehehe.

I walked with my mom today and it was fun. (:
You guys should do that too.
Your mom's not gonna be there forever ya knowww?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hot Dogs

I met up with Jennika today at 7-11 cause they were selling hot dogs for 25cents. Whatta deal! Then we were walking to the 99cent park until I decided to sit down on a random bench and we chitchatted. hahaha. Thenn we went to the park and shot around until it was about 4ish. I had to go to Yuca but I was like, we didn't even get tacos yet! So we went to the restaurant across the street and I ate two. xD Then I bought horchata. I learned that you don't pronounce the H. So I've been saying it wrong for years. Chyeaaaaah. Yuca was boringg. Kevin and I didn't win the prizes. ): After Yuca, as I was waiting for a ride from Kelly, I played that game with Marco and other guys where you kick this hackysack ball thingy. It's pretty fun! haha

Kelly's mom drove me to Sian's bbq thingy. We uhh talked and stuff.. I attempted to play rockband but I sucked. Then I just played some basketball. Yep Yep. Byes!


I fell asleep at 4am. hahah Jess. I guess those two cups of coffee was reallyyy affective.

My legs hurt; I guess too much walking or just lack of sleep. Which one is it??

Hehe DAi Lo (1:36:18 AM): xiao your so
Hehe DAi Lo
(1:36:22 AM):

Thursday, August 20, 2009



I might just go insane.

I remember when I was a little girl and believed in tooth fairies. I used to put my teeth under my pillow and hope that the tooth fairy will come but she never didddd. I read this picture book when I was in 2nd grade and the tooth fairy looked sooo cool. hahaha. Those things don't happen. ):

I had a dream today! I actually remembered it. hahaha. I was playing an intense basketball game against Idk. There was a big crowd too. And.. that's all I remember. I must be missing basketball because why else would I dream about it? hahaha. That dream also made me remember about the car wash on Saturday. I haven't sold a single ticket. sigh.

Why is my font so weirddd??!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Mata Me!


I have turned into spongebob sqaure pants. My face is a rectangle!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Oh God.. Ma du May!! hahahaha

My tooth hurts so much.. and my cheek is abnormally huge. Pain relievers are my best friend right now. My dentist let me keep my tooth. It's huge! and I think some of my gum is still stuck to it.. Man, it took me 30 minutes to eat a banana; that's already cut in pieces! Aww..that youtube video that showed the whole process scared me shitless. Shouldn't have watched it before. ><

Great day guys! I hope it doesn't hurt as much tomorrow..

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Happy Birthday Kelly Tang!

Today was my first quinceanera. I'm not sure if I spelled that right.. Anyways, the mass was alright, although I wasn't into it much cause it was religious stuff. After that, I went ti Sherry's house so she can do my hair. Then we drove to Trinh's house and off to the dinner party. The main people danced so well tonight! The food was good. There was some humongous bread. You could say I danced cause I didn't wanna feel awkward. Then I tried to jerk..or shuffle.. I didn't know what I was doing. haha Then Sherry's mom gave us a ride home. My feet is tiredd. Sandy and Nicole left early. ):

Goodnights! & Dream about me <3

Friday, August 14, 2009

Oprah or Orphan

Aww man. I felt so dumb Jennika. lol

So todayyyy, I went to the mall with my sister and her friend. I knew that I was gonna get something from her cause she has monaayyy now. And I got a blue baseball tee from Forever21 from her. Woot woot! hahaha. It was all worth it. I saw some earrings for Kelly, but they didn't look right on her. LOL

Then I came home and Sherry told me what's gonna happen tomorrow. I used to do that for my friends; planning everything. hahah

Anyways, I have this feeling where Imma talk to Jennika again tonight. Oh yeah! I had a wierddass dream, I forgot but I think Jennika was in it. haha


I hate it when people throw tantrums.
I hate it when people talk dirty like dirttty crap about their "friends".
I hate it when people don't know when to stop.
I hate it when people don't appreciate the time you give them.
I hate it when people SLAM DOORS.

via Jennika. <3

5am? I'm down!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

And All You Know

Yesterday, Jennika and I planned not to attend practice cause we did nothing the day before. So I went to the library to pay off my debts. Then I went to Lincoln to get the World History book I've been waiting for weeks._. Afterwards, my parents and I went to our Uncle's house, which they just moved into. Then we went back home to eat dinner. Then we went to Jack in the Box to get free tacos. Later, we went to our Aunt's house, which they also just moved into and layed back.

Today, I went to "practice" but we just played a game where our varsity team is the refs and the coaches let us handle everything. It was disorganized, so Jennika and I went off to practice with coach K. Jennika was mad too. hahaha. We stayed after practice to shoot around for like 30 minutes and it was so fun.

I was eating dinner in my parent's room on their bed when I fell asleep. Somewhat unexpected. haha. Also! There was a car accident in front of my house today. No one got like bloody bloody hurt but the firefighters and cops left about an hour laterr. God, my sister is so annoying.

Monday, August 10, 2009



How the hell are we even related.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I'm not picky with food but clothes, yes.

See you at practice tomorrow Jennika!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I'm craving for Jennika's sandwiches right now. hahaha. They were deeelicious!

This morning I woke up with sore shoulders. Then, I went to bball camp at 9am. We just did the usual._, Then we had lunch. Then we just played games. So much for 40 dollars. Finally, he passed out gifts and I got a jumprope. Nice...

Woohoooo.. I am tireddd. hahaha

Friday, August 7, 2009


It freaken sucks to live in a place like this. There's helicopters out and I just heard a voice saying, "Please..out..back door..hold.." It was pretty incoherent. & I thought these only happened in movies.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Ugh. Basketball camp was dumb.

Michelle and I found out how hard it was to get donations from stores today .____.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I decided to play a prank on my mom. So I told my mom that I was pregnant a minute ago.
Guess what her reaction was?!

She laughed and said "hmm.." in that is-thaat-right? way.

My mom is so cool (:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'd Hate To Be You

When People Find Out What This Song is About.

Just a hot and tiring day. I don't wanna go to practice tomorrow! ><

Monday, August 3, 2009

What Counts and What Not

I was watching the tv show "More to Love". It's basically like a bachelor show but with overweight people. It's so good to watch some people with actual meat in their bodies on TV! When do you everrr see thatt?! haha. I like that show. Later, I was watching Dating in the Dark. I forgot what I was gonna say about that show..hmmm.. I think it was something with appeareance. I forget.

My day was alrighttttt. Gosh, I'm regretting take Alg2 in the summer. But I hope it'll pay off. After that, I went to bball practice and Jennika lied to me. hahah It's finee. Hated today's practice. Then Michelle, Sophia, Tiffany, and I went to eat at Mcdonald's. I just ate there yesterday..but I got free mochas. LOL

Say whatt?!?!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Woke up this morning to make lunch for my mom. However, my sister declares that she's gonna make it for her instead. So, as a result, she burned the food. Sweet going.

Anyways, Betty and I went to play bball at the 99cent park. I tried to teach her the basic stuff cause they didn't have a consistent coach that stayed for long. I would've played longer but it was toooo hott. The weird this was that we kept seeing this African-American hobo lady in a dress walking around the same block! She was also cussing randomly while drinking soda.. o.O Betty and I bought Arizona from CVS; 2 for a dollar! Damn, it feels good to buy a good deal.

As we were walking home, we came to the subject of best friends forever. Betty and I have been best friends since 2nd grade but known each other since kinder. We still are like best friends even though we go to different schools and rarely see each other. But it's so weird how everyone around us are best friends with people they met in middle or high school and lost touch with their elementary friends. It's quite sad cause those are the people that knew the innocent part of you beforeee you turn bad. I think that Betty and I are bfs because we know each other like know knoww each other since we've basically grew up togther. I don't think we've ever fought either...hmm.. I'm glad she's still part of my life (:

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Senh woke me up today to go to Noodleworld. We attteee, then went to yogurtland, and then cues. Then we went to VincentHo's house. After some soda, I went off to go home. It was suchhhh a typical day. Then, my cousin calls us and says we should take mom home and let her heart calm down. My sister and I freaken raaan there ( her work place is only two blocks away) because we thought something happened with her heart. As we got there, her boss was outside and said that she fainted. I bet you do not know how thaaat feels like. MyGoddd, I thought I was gonna faint. Then her coworker told us that she had low blood pressure. Wow, dude, I felt so scared.

I need to calm down...sighh.