Friday, July 31, 2009


are so stupid when there's drunk people. -__- Not even fun. So I went to Tiffany's party, left to play bball, which was fun. Too bad Vivian sprained her ankle. ): It was freakeenn hott inside the gym. Oh and Jennika can't make 3 pointers, especially nottt for me. ): That's right Jennika, Jonathan and Corrina only won cause we were tired and didn't wanna play anymore! I didn't know that Monica and Carrie works. They look so cool in their uniforms. hahahaha. Anywayss, I went backk to the party. And just sat there, ate food, talked with Michelle, and watch people get wasted. Waste of my time. At least I saw Ricky! I haven't seen him this whole summer, I think... hahahah He's scared of my daaad. LOLL. Oh Ricky, my dad does remember you! He remembered after you left my house. hahaha. Aaaaaand thanks Sophia :)

My sister says yes to texting. My dad says no. Usually it depends on my sister to decide these things.. but my dad is somehow so against texting. hahaha. He says it's like cable where when you get it, you won't focus on school. I guess so. I'm not so sad afterall. Whatevers, I save 60 dollars a year anyways. xD

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I feel so stupiddd for even hoping. Like I haven't leaaarned from before. -.-

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


My sister just asked me if I wanted texting! Wooowww!! I've asked her many times and got her annoyed and now she's asking me if I want textingg. Woow... a change of heart. Tehehe. All I gotta do is asking my dad. That should be easy. I am his favorite daughter. LOL

Anyways, in bball, I guess I'm in JV. NOOOOOOO! Damnit. All my friends aren't with me. ><. Also, I'll be the only asian if Vivian doesn't join bball anymore.. tear* tearr* And man, Jennika loves me too much. She mentions me in every one of her blogs. awwww. I hope Corrina doesn't get jealous. hahahahaha. And you're going on Friday AND Saturday. Okay?!?!

On to Alg2, I think the concept is not too hard to understand. It's just too much in one day that you just don't get it. ><. My dad askes me everrryday if I get the homework. Not in the caring and sweet way but in the way that makes you think that he's thinking that maybe you're too stupid to know the stuff. He tends to have that tone when he's thinking that I'll head nowhere in life cause when he askes me where I wanna go to college, I say I have no idea. I really don't; I have no special interest in anything. YETTT. I wouldn't say bball cause I'm doing that for fun and not for a future. The hell? Why would I? I just have no idea where I'll end up. Gosh people! Leave me alone! My mom doesn't even care. xD

I have this negetive vibe from this certain person... I'm not sure if it's me. o.O It's not nice to have this feeling cause I don't think I have any pork with anyone.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I guess I made someone's day today! hahahhahaha. I don't think my layup was thattttttt badd. It just didn't wanted to go a little higher. Not even like two inches so it can touch the rim. The ball hates me. >< Or is it just Jennikaa?? I loveee playing with Jennika; I still have to get even!

Monday, July 27, 2009


So sweet of Jennika to make a new blog just for meeee AND she blogs about me me and meee!. hahaha. And what? Corrina stalks me? How sweet of her too. (:

Today, I skipped practice to go to the dentist since my teeth/tooth(???). I found out that it hurts because my wisdom tooth is growing! But it can't come out cause there's no room that's why it's pushing the other teeth outt. T___T. I gotta take it out next month then. In the meantime, I got some painkillers to dull the pain. Muhahaha! jaykkk.

"Lil Wayne's teeth probably cost more than my house."

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's Up?

I feeling some strong animosity towards that sentence.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Holy shitt. Alg2 is getting hard.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

John Mayer

Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation.. so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type.. I'm like, hey girl, magenta! and she's like, oh, you mean purple! and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, no - I want magenta!"

Monday, July 20, 2009


If you don't use a fan or an air conditioner, which uses electricity, you learn to appreciate the little breezes that come by through you windows. (:


Ahhhhhh. It finally feels like summer. 85 degrees and plus. I hope I'm getting better at shooting.

Algebra2 is getting hard. T_____T. I do more homework in summer school than in regular school days.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

For Jess

Um, yeah, I got tired of my old layout so I changed it again. And this picture is for you Jess!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Yesterday, I helped Senh with the alg2 hw and he repayed me back with chips and a cookie. It was very nice to of him to do something like that. It's the idea that he did something without asking that got me. I was very happy. (:

After school, I went to take cues with Shirley, Shannon, and Jane for the first time! hahaha It's been foreveerrrrrrr since I last saw Shirley maybe Shannon too. The machines are timed?! We went to eat ramen afterwards and I bugged the crap out of the waiter. haha. Then I met up with Finnie and Betty at Gates and we walked around lincoln heights. Well, it was fun. I'm always the middle person.

I told my mom yesterday that she was very chill. She took it very well. hahaha. She understood what I meant by that. I just hate the way she wakes me up. She does this constant tapping/nudging, which I find very annoying. >:[

Thursday, July 16, 2009

SP 14

Algebra2 doesn't get hard in chapter 7; it gets hard in chapter 5! >< I can't seem to remember what to do first. lol. Just like in geometry and its proofs. I don't get this and it's "onlyyy factoring". T___T I don't wanna fail precal next yearr!!

So today's bball practice sucked. Coach Jesse helped me on my shot and it looks so much better but I gotta keep practicing that. It was boring too cause Jennika wasn't there. I feel so lonely there now. And then, during the scrimmage, I missed all my easy shots. Bad dayy.Two of the new girls seem very cocky. I wasn't like that when I first went to practice. -___-

Anyways, don't you get headaches when you think too hard? lol Everytime I do my alg2 hw. Sigh. More tests tomorrow.

Vincent and Senh is right; I need a life.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My dad asked me to call my sister at college and I asked why. hahah. He thinks I forgot that I had a sister away at college. Sooner or later, you get used to someone being away so much.

After Alg2, I went to bball practice for the first time since summer school started. hahahaha. Probably like 10 people go. -___- Plus about 5 incoming freshmans. Not even worth going. Only cause Tiff, Jess, and Cindy go. Supa Suppaaa hot in there. Finnie thinks we smell? Nahhhh, Jess and I don't think so. hahaha. Afterwards, we went to McDonald's and we alllll ordered a fudge sundae. I can't believe Tiffany and Cindy never ate it with fudge. And no, Tiffany, I will not accept the fact that you're changing schools. Yet. ):

I can't wait to figure out what's wrong with me, so I can say this is the way that I used to be.
~ John Mayer

Monday, July 13, 2009

Linear Equations

I will learn to love Algebra TWOOOOOOOO!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What Gives?

Today, I gave my mom a random hug. I know she deserves more than that, but that's all I can give her right now. I know how hard it is to work soo much for so little. You expect to be given more for all the things you do but instead, you don't even get half. I guess my parent's mind only have us in it, and that's why they do the things they do. I will always love them for that. I just wish I can give them more than what they haven't got. That's why, I will...

Friday, July 10, 2009

My First Bee Sting

I wonder why all these bad things always happens to me like Finnie said. I really wonder hardd! I was innocently walking with Sophia down the street to Yuca's luau when a bee landed on my shirt. I thought it was a left of some sort so I just wacked it off. But it just have to be a bee instead and my finger just have to happen touch the needle part. -_____- Man, Sophia wasn't even helping cause she was so scared since I was yelling at her to pull it outt. hahhaha. Then I ran to the closest friend's house, which just so happens to be Nicole's! She was my nurse for the day and helped my pull the red thingy out, put alcohol on it, and then bandaged it up. hehehe. Thanks Nicole!

The luau was boringgg in the beginning but then I guess the contests started so everyone loosened up and I met some new people. hahaha. I was in the watermelon contest, which was sooo fun cause I ate slow. tehehe. I love talking to Sandy. She's so funny and she fun to make fun of. Good job Finnie, for taking so much pictures of me. xD

Lastly, Goodnights.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Frayyyy <33

Half way around the world lies the one thing that you want
Buried in the ground, hundreds of miles down
The first thing that arises in your mind when you awake
Is bending you 'til you break

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


One day of no alg2 is like missing four days of regular school days. It's all for the work orientation too. I guess I'm not gonna work at Wonder anymore cause my dad didn't want me to work for something less than for what it's worth. He loves me. (: Luckily I didn't tell Marisa. I could still get a job at Lincoln with my sisterr. I never knew how much papers you had to go through just for a job. Brightened my eyes. So yep, my summer is gonna consist of alg2 and work; no bball. Sorry Jess. If you're going. No fun till the end of summer schoool. T___T

Oh wells, I'm craving for some star fruit.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I hate how ignorant people think that sunblock keeps you from getting dark in the sun. It doesn't!
It helps prevent skin cancer! So no matter how much you put on, you're still gonna get dark.
JesusChrist; get it straight.

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh That movie made me cry soo muchh; more than A Walk to Remember. Jennika told me that it was sad and I think that's what made me cry from the beginning. Crying in the theaters is not fun because I had no tissues and once I started I couldn't stop. -___-. I hate how Betty would start laughing to stop herself from crying! God! Why couldn't she just cry?! And you Finnie, I know you're reading this, I can't believe you didn't cry that much. So yeah, the guy that Katie [or was it Kate(?)] falls in love with was pretty cute but too bad he died and I was crying at that part! Cameron Diaz looked nice in that movie as a mom. But firefighters can cook. (;

Anyways, after that sad, sad movie, we went to eat. hehehe. Our tummies were grumblinggg. Then we went shopping around glendale..and more.. and some more.. I'm not putting details cause I don't remember. We missed out bus and Betty was pretty mad at Finnie (; hahaha So we ended up missing the Dash so we just decided to eat pho and then walk home. Finnie treated us! ahahah I thought she was just gonna go up to get the check but tehehe that's so nice of her. xD In the end, Betty's dad just drove us home. I feel so comfortable with those people. hahaha. I don't think I'd feel the same with others. Idk.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I think I should go to the doctor soon for some kind of checkup or something. I have consistent headaches even when I stay home all day. Am I lacking some kind of vitamin or something? I drink enough water... -.-

I am kinda excited to go to work this summer. It's something to get my ass off of this chair and away from dramas. haha I wonder if the regulars are still there.

CURRENTLY at loss for words. LOL

Fences = Jennikaaaa! (;