Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I think I'm going to enjoy learning Shakespeare language.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I am so mad right now. You have no idea. When I get so mad, tears would just start coming out and it's coming. Bryan, you said it'll get better. IT JUST GET WORSE EVERYTIME. I HATE MYSELF FOR BELIEVING YOU. EVEN FOR ONE MINUTE.

Okay, enough with the emo words.

God, she sounds like a freaken retard when she says the F word.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I'm coming to the point where I hate blogging.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I have feelings too, you know?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


makes perfectttttttt.

In the morning, me and Finnie couldn't find an opening to the school to take our practice exam. So I had to call wong and ask him. hahaha The multiple choice was hardddd while the essay part was okkkkaaaayyyy. It's just that while you're doing the essay, you're already so bored and tired. >< On the bright side, he got us subway!

Moving on.. afterwardssssss, we went to the bball tournament. My team was fourth place. T____T. That's alright. I talked to Corrina which I never had the chance to. And damn, there was a lot more people than I expected. Lots of asians too. ahah

My mom, " Aiiii, I see your sunburn now. Your skin's so dark but don't worry, you'll be white in no time. Just stay home." I'm staying home tomorrow just to do homeworkk. YAY.

"I don't need a witness
To know that I've survived"


Almost a week since my last bloggg. >< Well, all I can say is that I got a sunburn from today's field trip to the Malibu beach.

It was fun hanging out with Marco and others. The water was super duper cold. hahaha. Finally a day away from eurooo.

Tomorrow's the Increase the Peace Basketball Tournament and my practice AP Euro exam. Sweeet! Come and cheer on magnet!! xD

I'm tired. Outttttt.

"I've made up my mind,
no need to think it over,
If I'm wrong I aint right, no need to look no further"

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Ahhhh. I miss punching Ricky. LOL. Today felt good. Fresh air. Playing with different people. Ohhhyeah.

And my blogs are boring ?!?!

Well. Maybe I'm just descriptive! hmp. My daddy bought me hot dogs cause he knows I love them. LOL. AWWWWW.

Oh, I found a freaken white hair and I showed my mom. All she did was laughh. Geez, she always laughs at me. Anyways, I wanted to take a walk with her like in the summer, but I remember I hadn't start on my essay. Sighh. I started about an hour ago and I found out that once I start on an essay, it just starts to flow in my mind. I just used "start" 4 times. Makes me sound like a genuis huh? ><

I really dislike it when you're on aim and someone's talking to you and abruptly sign off without saying bye. I mean if you say "brb" or "bbl" and thennn sign off is different. I find it rude. Even though I may do it sometimes. haha

"so i just try and fail and try and try again

someday i swear i'm going to get it
because i'm convinced that giving in is the worst thing there is"

Thursday, April 9, 2009

San Diego

I shall tell you about my trip. I slept the whole way there. tehehe. We had to exit the freeway and spend about 30 minutes looking for a restroom cause my parents needed to pee. When we got there, we settled down in my sister's apt. Then my family went to eat pizza without my sister cause she had class. We also bought veggies for her since her frig is empttyyyy. Anyways, we walked around and around and aroundddd with my mom; my dad was sleeping. He was driving for two and a half hour. We found the pool which was in the middle but covered by plants and a gate. It was relatively a small pool but it had a jacuze. Is that how you spell it? Well, we kinda slept there; it was really relaxing there. Then my parents went home and my sister and I went back to the apt. Since there was nothing to do when my sister was still in class, we watched a movie on her laptop. Okay, so when everyone got back from school and such, we went to the campus's YogurtWORLD. hahahaha. Then we went to this cliff by the beach. Cliff>beach because if you wanted to go to the beach, you would have to climb a very steep hill. The cliff was soo pretty, windy, and highh. There was this biggg mansion and everyone says it's gonna be their house but we all know it's not. hahaha. Afterwards, we ate dinner at Chipotle; my sister and I get to choose and we chose Chipotle because the Wong Fu Productions ate there before. xDD Gosh, we were sooo full from there and still bought mochi to bring back home. The apt had two restrooms and there was 12 people staying there. So you can guess the frustrations when we want to use the restrooms to shower, brush teeth, pee, poop, look at yourself, etc... Anyways, since the next day was my sister's bday, my oldest sister baked brownies for everyone when she was asleep and everyone jumped on her at 12 midnight. She was surprised cause she was the only one sleeping ( we were all tired). yeahhh... After that, we all slept. But my sister's roommate let me read her book called Digital Fortress and I like it. I needa borrow it somewhere after AP exam.

The second day started off slow. Some went down to the beach, I was still sleepingg. >< My sister took us to the university's bookstore to look around and buy stuff. But the things are hella expensive, so we will wait for next time when our mom is there to buy it for us. hahha. Then we ate Tapioca Express. Then we went on the bus to go to the train to go home.

San Diego makes you walk alottt if you don't have a car. Especially when the bus fare for non-university students are $2.50 ! Ohmygoodness. Compare to the Dash. hahaha. The stuff is very expensive everywhere too. But the tax there is only 8.25. Cheaper than LA. -__-. I don't remember anything else I have to mention...hmm.. Oh yeah, the air in SD is so much better, I sneezed only once or twice. But when I got back in LA, I sneezed a couple times within two hours.

Today, I went to bball practice and they kept saying was I there for tryouts? hahaha I wasn't there for practice the whole week. It was fun; we worked on our jumpshots and that's pretty much it. And practice ends at 12:30 which I thought ended at 11. ><. Anyways, I told myself that I was gonna start on my essay today for Wong but I basically just stared at the question for two hours and then I went off reading something else. But! I'm on number 18 for the study questions out of 37. Almost halfway! hhahaha!

Dumplings and no soy sauce, pleasee. (;

Monday, April 6, 2009


I've been putting off my euro and geometry homework for the past days. So I gotta hit it when I get back from SD. Tomorrow, we're gonna head off around 8 since my sister has class at 12. Anyways, I hopeeee it won't rain tomorrow. ):
I feel not dedicated cause I'm gonna miss 3 days of bball practice this week. ><.

Oh dude, I went to watch Fast&Furious on Saturday with people and then more that I didn't know were coming. ><. I give FF a 7 out of 10. But I thought I Love You, Man was realllyyy funnyyy. It had this one scene where they were singing and it reminded me of Finnie and I when we're speaking spanish. xD Although, I think it's one of those movies where if you watch it more than once, it gets annoying. Then Michelle and I went walking around Old Pasadena. It got late so we went home but the dash already stopped running. We ended up walking home. She was gonna walk me home but then we saw a carnival at the 99cent park and stopped by there. Since we were near Ricky's house, I asked Ricky if he could walk me home since it was around 9 and he was already out; he and three other people walked me home. hahah I felt so happy. Thankkkyouuu guys.

On Sunday, my mom, sister, Betty, and I went to the Cherry Blossom festival in Little Tokyo. It was almost exactly like the Lunar Festival where there was dancing, food, and booths. The dancers were basically half naked. I asked my mom if I could dance like them and she said, "Does it look like I would let you??" hahaha I took my mom to Yogurtland and she liked it. YESSS. Then we just got bored and went home. XD

Today, my mom and I went to my doctor's to get a refill and a one month checkup. I need a blood test to see if the pills affect my lungs. Ma Fannnn. -.- I love how everytime we're waiting for my meds, my mom and I would eat cookies waiting. hahaha.
Sorry Danny, but the bbq was getting boring. But I enjoyed talking to Sophia which I haven't in a while. And Michelle.

I've noticed that when you have allergies, your throat gets really itchy and the only way to scratch it is use your tongue. I'm sneezing even more now since the break. My sister tells me to shut up when I sneeze and I'm saying in my mind, "How can I stop my sneezes?!" So I try to sneeze even louder to annoy her.

I've been meaning to get this song on my blog cause I've been obsessed with Musiq Soulchild. hahahah Which reminds me that I wanna see that movie Obsessed. Seems interesting. Darn, I wanted If U Leave song but that one only puts 30 seconds and my other favorite, which is the one you're listeningto, puts the whole things. So I picked this song instead.

The week we come back from Spring Break is packed with things to do. I hate my freshman class schedule. Too much to do.

This is one hella long blog. Haven't had one of this long in a while and won't for a while. So enjoy.

EDITTTT : I forgot to mention above but I grew one inch! The nurse told me that I am 5`6 now. I was very happy cause I wanted to grow taller. hahahahahhahaha!

"To the top and nothing's going to stop us
Today will be the day we reach the sky"

Friday, April 3, 2009


My dad and I were discussing on our trip to San Diego and he said that he didn't feel right letting us go my ourselves after he leaves. He said, " But there's going to be no food and soup for you to drink." LOLOL. I thought that was so sweet. haahah He just wanted us to stay home.

So it's spring break with lots of homework. Wong's stuff (-___-), and Flores gave us a freaken geometry project of our house. WTH ?! Man, it's gonna take a lot of work and time. I was surprised that Chai didn't give us homework. Oh, I found that Hayley is Ms. Chai's first name. hahahaha. Funny.

Sleeeeeeeep !

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I sneezed during my hot shower and it felt awesome. hahaha

So Nicole is a kind of person that freaks out when a project's not done and it's due the next day. I had to tell her to calm down a couple of times.

Man, I'm sad that I missed yesterday's bball practice for the chem project. The coach was helping us on our shooting form and I wanted to learn that. Darn.

Alright, San Diego, here I come. It better not rain on us again.

"You want to argue with me, but I'm not that bored

I don't know how to apologize, I'm not that smart"