Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My mom

My mom is hilarious. She was just trying to do some exercises and she tried to do a situp. It was the funniest shit I have seen in a longgg timeee. HAHHAHAHAHAA. I love my mom. xDD

In geometry, Andy was singing the song on my blog and I couldn't even remember it until 30 secs later ! hahahaha

An intense game it was Andy. But you know that you lost the badminton game to me.

The cake made for Tiffany's bday was actually VERY good. hahahah
Who got to leave at 12 from school. ><

Ms. Chai likes my new years resolution. hehehehe.

So in english, Jonathan was poking my elbow. The elbow with the scab and I wanted him to stop so I said you're touching my bone and it hurts. Well then, he took my arm and pinched everywhere around the scab and said, " It's not on the bone, it's all fat." And I slapped him for that. hahahahha

It's American Idol season now !! I love that show.

And lastly, I don't blame you Kevin for texting me two times. hahaha. Gotta look on the bright side more and you need something to do to take your mind off of things.

1 comment:

GuitarHeroYao said...

Sureee....Well see next time! ;D