Wednesday, June 15, 2011

technically this is my last summer of high school because the one before college doesn't really count, so kevin and i are making a to do list for THIS summer! and i shall post it up when we complete it because we are making one togetherrr righttt?

so anyways, i've been thinking about next yearr.. how different if would be since the seniors are not gna be here. i feel like ima be so lonely LOL well there's sandy and a few guys i can hang out with, but besides them i feel lost.. hahah sounds lame. i realized i don't talk to my grade that muchh but enoughhh. hahaha whateverrrrssss. also, i wonder how different i'd be if i went to verdugo o__O seriously, like would i be the same person? probably not, i'd probably be afraid of my own neighborhood like betty. LOL i think lincoln somewhat makes you a tougher person because of all the things that happen and it opens our eyes to the things i would never encounter at verdugo. and btw i do believe that it's easier to get into a better college at verdugo. there's so much competition at lincoln... i feeel like a failureee compared to them. :( lol

sidenote: i know how i hang out with a lot of guys, but every now and then my dad reminds me of how much of a jerk they can be.. i don't think my dad had ANY right to yell at my mom for not doing enough at home. like i don't know maybe it's because she's working two jobs to make up for what you don't do, or maybe it's because she's so tired she can't even make dinner sometimes? or maybe it's because you expect so much out of her.. i don't get why you keep pushing me to get a job and work when my mom's the one telling me to have fun. always ticks me off.

.... i need something to do.

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