Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Since I haven’t done this in a while, here goes nothing! So today started off by Jennifer and Xiaoiee texting me about practice. I actually didn’t wanna wake up since I was having such a good sleep but what the heck, got up anyway. I then proceeded to eat a sammich and made Xiaoiee one (which she later threw up during practice) since she needed to be ‘reminded’ of how delicious they are. ;) Soooo I was waiting for my momma but that nigga kept laggin’ it and shieeeet sooooooo yeeah blah! I then found Xiao on the ramp waiting for me to walk to practice, I had the sammich in my hand cause I didn’t want it to get squished in my duffle baaaag. And then she then ran to me and was like “AWWWW! Is that for me?” And I was like NO. and she was like YEAH IT IS! And I said No! in a serious face and then she got all sad, and i was like just keeding fucker! it’s yours .. and then she tried to hug me! GROSSSS! Then we walked up to the gym, only to find all the gates closed. So I just jumped over it, and Xiao was like you would be good at jumping gates. LOL Then Huff wasn’t even there so we waited for him and then that man started killing us slowly. We were all dying during freaking Tiger drill, but no apparently we still had to keep going cause we weren’t quick enough. Yeah yeah yeah, then after dying and reviving myself we did some offense plays, WHICH NEVER WORK DURING GAMES! But that’s okay.. waste time during practice just running around. So yeah, there was like 6 seniors on one side of the court.. and SOMEHOW by total coincidence I ended up with the sophomores, which I thought was horrible. But we kept scoring on the seniors, heeeeey ;D lame asses. During practice I noticed, I do the weirdest things. I randomly start dancing, or hitting on people, or grabbing people boooobies ;) hahaha! So yeah, after practice was interesting. While walking down to the rec, Socorro made me .. hold her bike while she was riding it? Freaking awkward! Once at the rec to see the Summer Ballin’ group .. well ballin’ during the summer ya know? They play hella interesting games, after that Jennifer wanted a shrimp taco and Katty wanted carne asada fries. So our journey continued, at the shrimp taco place, we saw this HUGE tapatio bottle and Jennifer and Katty were contemplating whether to take it or not. After we got Jennifer’s shrimp taco and while walking to the taco place, Katty was like HERE you go babygurl! and hands Jennifer the tapatio bottle, like THE FUCK? Hella slick gurl! ;D hahaha. Once we got to the place we ate and stuff and just sat there doing nothing. Then Katty started yelling so weirdly and we were like the fuck? and we saw the hugest cockroach EVER! So .. interesting! Then we were like Ahhh let’s leave but apparently Jennifer has to do things on an even number, so we waited for an even time? hahaha Once we walked back to Xiaoiee’s house we decided to go on her porch cause her room was TOO hot! And we were just talking, then we went to eat dinnnah that Mommaaahbear made, which was gooood cause I love that thing she made<3 we then, went outside and she painted my nails and we were just sitting conversating about life while Sistaahbear played Adele in the background. It was very soothing summer music, unlike lame elevator music that makes Xiao want to shoot herself but when in reality you can’t really shoot yourself cause then you don’t want people to think you’re kerrrrrrazy. But then again it’s not like that hoood nigga has a gun, she ain’t that hood! ;) hahaha We pretty much sat there til the sun went down since we were enjoying the breeze, the very so chillay breeze because we loved the way it made our faces feel and how our hair would blow in the wind even though our hair were tied up cause of practice, a very lovely yet fucking horrible practice. While sitting there, we were hella messing with this certain individual and maaaaan Xiaoiee and I are so freaking hilarious when we’re tired! Hella cracking jokes about errrrrthang! Good day Xiaoiee good day!

-jessicadelarosaaaa<3 from tumblr :D

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