Friday, August 21, 2009

Hot Dogs

I met up with Jennika today at 7-11 cause they were selling hot dogs for 25cents. Whatta deal! Then we were walking to the 99cent park until I decided to sit down on a random bench and we chitchatted. hahaha. Thenn we went to the park and shot around until it was about 4ish. I had to go to Yuca but I was like, we didn't even get tacos yet! So we went to the restaurant across the street and I ate two. xD Then I bought horchata. I learned that you don't pronounce the H. So I've been saying it wrong for years. Chyeaaaaah. Yuca was boringg. Kevin and I didn't win the prizes. ): After Yuca, as I was waiting for a ride from Kelly, I played that game with Marco and other guys where you kick this hackysack ball thingy. It's pretty fun! haha

Kelly's mom drove me to Sian's bbq thingy. We uhh talked and stuff.. I attempted to play rockband but I sucked. Then I just played some basketball. Yep Yep. Byes!


Hello; my name is Kevin. said...

are you kidding me? THAT IS BULLSHIT.
what was the prize?

hot dog is 70% of the time made from animal intestines =)

Hello; my name is Kevin. said...
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