Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I don't get youuu. >;O

I do not know how much brain cells that I have killed today but it feels a lot.

First period with Wong is not good for deep sleepers. I'm not awake in his class cause it's still morning. >< ! So I would miss taking notes from his lectures and have to copy some laterr. Sorry Nicole, Susan, and Sherry. hahaha

I am hating pe right now. We do nothing. Literally nothing. :O

hehehe Bryan moved up to the front again in mandarin class. It wasn't all my fault cause Julie was talking too. But once again, I finished all my hw in class.

No run today, instead more time with my bf [ euro ] . Danny better come tomorrow ><.

My doctor is never there for her patients. Seriously, you open from 9am to 1pm ?! Are you freaken kidding mee ?? After CT, I went over to Tiff's house and I found out I lost one pound. We also
studiedd for tomorrow's unit test but somehow I'm not worried..

"Look on the bright side, you get to walk with me."

Hmmm... everyday in nutrition or lunch something exciting happens but there's always a downside to it.

Today's highlight : walking. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :P

Douchebag of the day : not telling.

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