Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chinamannnn !

I haven't talked to Ricky online foreverrrrrrrr. Dude, get on more >< !

Received a C on my unit chapter test for Wong and I thought I did okay. WOW. I am disappointed.

Today was boring in school.
Got moved to the front in mandarin class for the first time, instead of Bryan.

Mrs. Chai scared me half to death cause she lost all of my hw.

Went to the magnet buddy meeting. Ate their ice cream. [:
Met Shawn(?).

hahahah Hope Sophia likes her gift from me and Finnie tomorrow. HAHAHAHAHAH.

I feel like I'm turing bad as in lazier and lower in knowledge. Not cool. Since I sometimes copy chemistry, I'm kinda falling behind..?

I'm getting my priorities straight. >:O

Today's highlight : hahahahaahh Sherry hahahahhahahahah Bryan hahahahahahahhaha Ricky ahahhaahhahaha chocolate milk hahahhahahahahah

Douchebay of the day : Freaken Danny Sau. >:O

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