Sunday, January 4, 2009


Damnit, I sign on to this website hoping to read blogs! I can't read April's somehow. I have no idea why. Kevin's blogs are about a sentence short and he complains about mine. No one else even blogs anymore! Why do you even have one then; gosh, just give up already.

I'm in a ranting mood. ><

Today, my sister went back to SD this morning. Don't know when is the next time she is coming back. After, I went over to Finnie's house to keep her company instead of going to Danny's bbq. ): Oh wells. Then, Betty came and it was just like in middle school. I miss those days where we would just talk all day and make jokes. [ soy sauce and dumplings] xD I miss those..

So, I came home. Guess someone messed with the electricity wires outside cause the lights went on and off. At first, I was fake screaming to scare my mom but then when the lights kept doing that, it got annoying. -__- After around the 7th time, it finally stopped. At least I wasn't showering this time the lights went off. I think it was those guys that always play football outside and accidentally hit a wire.

Everytime I wanna talk man... But for now, I'll just read the Green Mile.

I find it nice how everytime I see Steven, the first thing he does is ask me about my scabs. Don't worry, all I need now is those scar removal thingies..

Resolutions : Stop getting my hopes up and learn something new.
And no, Finnie. I am not gonna lose 5 pounds as my new year's resolution.

I've noticed many people want lots of unnecessary things. Seriously, it's just about the looks and the recognition that you actually have one right? WHO CARESSSSSSSSS. Also, I believe you already went back on your words. A day after.

It's a sad, sad situationnn.
And it's getting more and more absurdddd.

Gonna start sleeping early now.


I am officially mad. Stupid "publish post" saved less than half of this blog. So I had to remember everything that I typed about. I guess I'm mad because I used so much energy and time on one thing and the next moment, it's just gone.


poopistheshit said...

There, there we all have our days D;

Oh! i put my blog on private
er, >< i'll take it off just for youu!

Hello; my name is Kevin. said...


poopistheshit said...

me step sister =[

She's bound to tell her mom
and get me in trouble D;