Friday, December 19, 2008

First time ice skating

Well, I got back my essay from Wong and I recieved a 9/15. A D !!!! T___T

I didn't feel really bad, maybe cause I knew it was almost winter break. hahah

In chemistry, I tried to do my work but the WDK wouldn't leave me alone.

We had a fire drill during 3rd period and all we did was stand in the sun for 15 minutes. But that got me warmed up. Tomorrow there's a chapter 5 test. I don't think Imma do very well. It's so confusing, this chapter.

Test in mandarin and Michelle tried to cheat with the answers on the table but she couldn't. LOL puahaha

A Night to Remember the movie is a pretty interesting movie. Only if the guys on my table would leave my stuff aloneee. ><

Afterschool, Bryan and I walked to the library to pick up my book and he had to talk to V. I am currently reading The Green Mile by Stephen King. It seems interesting cause Kevin recommended to me. So it must be an awesome book.

Afterward, I walked home alone. I like walking home alone during daylight, it calms me down and it just feels nice. hahaha

Ice skatingg !! hahhah I fell exactly 6 times. I counted each fall. LOL I was pretty scared at first. Looked like a "penguin." But I got used to it toward the end and was throwing shaved ice and people. My fingers were freezingg because of that.
Then Chris took us to Noodle World in Pasadena. People are really sick-minded these days. My parents were mad since we came home at 12 but they already fell asleep so they couldn't yell at us. xD

I can't believe Wong is having us take a test during the break. And it had to be on the same day as the half marathon for SRLA. I'm gonna go the test instead.

Acadmics > Sports. That's what my dad told me. ]:

Thanks Bryan, for letting me listen to Oxybaby. Now I'm addicted to it. hahaha

My pencil broke. I'm sad.

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