Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Neighbors

I woke up at 11:30 this morning on a winter break. hahaha

Well yesterday had alot of ups and downs. Tiffany gave me my present during Wong's. It was two thongs. I kinda had a feeling it was that. So I opened slowly and closed it so fast when I realized what it was. o.o

During pe, we had our "party" where there was about 80 people in our class and yet, like 10 people brought food. It sucked cause of all the South Americans from other classes came and pratically rampaged through all the food. ><

Mandarin was funn. It was free period so me, Michelle, Kelly, Julie, and Bryan all sat around and talked.

Afterschool, Sherry, Susan, and I went to Paulson's class to do our chemistry project cause we needed a microscope and we couldn't get a hold of one. Later, we thought the project was kind of hard and hassling so we went to the computer lab and searched for a project. We wanted to do that together. hahaha

I walked home with Sherry since she was going to Ivan's house.We talked and I tripped on one of those bumps on the sidewalk. hmm.. Funn.

When I got home was the down part. T___T Aishh.

Weeellll, some people went to the Rose Parade decoration thingy today. So I'm just at home blogging. This is the earliest I've blogged yet. I think. Wen is going the Andrew's Christmas party. The other one is going to Paulson's Christmas party. Imma stay home with my mom so she won't be lonely. hahaha See Kevin, I'm a good girl.

There's new neighbors moving in next door and the mom is very loud. hahaha I want Nihn back. That reminds me. Yesterday, as I was walking home, I saw Andy, Jerry, and Nihn standing outside and talking so I went to join them. hahahha Nihn is funnyy and I have to remember to ask him to go to any magnet fundraisers.

I am bored. The first chapter of The Green Mile was confusing for me. hahaha Must keep reading.

1 comment:

poopistheshit said...

"It sucked cause of all the South Americans from other classes came and pratically rampaged through all the food. ><"