Monday, November 3, 2008

Chapter 15 test, right on my nose

AHHHHHH . This week is so hectic. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday = test for Wong. Plus 9 miles on Saturday. Study, study, and train for the raceee. >< !

My Sunday was awesome cause I did Euro allllll dayyyyyyy and I better get a good grade on that test.

Can't believe I missed half of One Tree Hill studying for tomorrow's test in Wong. ONE TREE HILL !! and Gossip Girl. What am I turning into ?? >< !

If Logan can't teach chemistry for shit, then I gotta step up and learn it myself. Thanks to Ireland for getting that into my head.

I was the 25th person in our class to finish this running contest and I didn't get candy. ]:

People need to stop taking out their feelings on other people. Just go somewhere else to vent out your anger so that it won't hurt others. Or just talk it outt.. no need for some dramatic scenes..

heheh This blog is for Tiffany and Finnie who stayed up yesterday waiting for my blog. LOL !

Today's highlight : Tiffany walking me home ! , seeing coachh :] , and punching the crap out of Marco. hehehe

Douchebag of the day : sister.

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