Friday, May 29, 2009


my right wrist hurts.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Yay! Finnie won newsletter. Finally, she can put pictures of me in it. YESSSS. Well today was actually the best day I ever had at Yuca cause I stayed after waiting for Finnie. I was actually socializing with other people. hahaha

And Jess, I still want an exchange. I'll wear it tomorrow so you can see the nastiness. hehe

Monday, May 25, 2009


Omgosh, my dad just came home about 20 minutes ago. He came to the living smiling so big and happy. I knew something was up! So I asked him why are you so happy today?? He just said nothing nothinggg. Then he asked my sister what she was gonna do. And she said she's going to field trip tomorrow. He askes her how much money do you need. She says none. And then he says Come on, I just wanna give you some money. And then I said, I know what's up! You got paid todayyy! hahahah And he started laughing and saying yess. Man, money can make my dad so happy. xDD

Saturday, May 23, 2009

City Walk

Tomorrow's Andy's bday; so Finnie and I went to City Walk with other people. And I mean like 20 other people. I had fun, I mean so much people there and it's for the birthday kid. You can't not have fun and be a party pooper. We watched Terminator Salvation. Prettyy okay; not bad, not great. My sister was right about City Walk, kinda boring and you just walk. hahah

After the movie and eating at Tommy's, Finnie and I left at 5 so we can go home to watch the Laker game, which they won! If it wasn't for me, Finnie would've gotten lost at the City Walk and if it wasn't for her, I would've gotten lost in the train station. LOL. Anyways,we stopped by Alpine, bought ice, and played a little bit of bball. We forgot that the bus stops running at 6 on weekends! So we had to walkkkkk hommmeeeee. But on the way, there was this guy across the street and Finnie and I were kinda playing a game where he can't be ahead of us. hahaha. We were late to the game but as we were walking home, we passed by a bar and I saw a tv in there. So we went inside to watch it a bit just for the time and score. It was cool cause we were outside trying to loook and this dude comes out with his phone and sees us then tells us to go in while there's a sign on the door saying "Under 21 not allowed in this bar" But we go in anyways and this other dude tells us to sit down and watch the game! We went wooow, they didn't even try to kick us out. Sweeeet.

As I'm walking down my street, I see the liqour store people playing football in the street and I play with them for a bit. Well, I basically play with Samuel only. hahah I didn't know the others. They were also playing water balloons and I got wet by Sammy. It was a nice way to end the day.

Hm. I am hoping quite hard that I didn't throw away a letter while cleaning up yesterday. It's supposedly to the bank.. huh...crosses fingers*

Friday, May 22, 2009


Woooow, I haven't blogged for almosttttt a week. Is this the longest I've been not blogging?

Lemme start. Monday's finale episode of One Tree Hill was awesomeee! I love happy endings especially now that Brooke and Julian are together such like Blair and Chuck in GG. Uhhhh, the CST's went okaayyyyy; I hated the chemistry part cause I didn't know 3/4 of it. Blame Logan!

The Magnet Banquet was fun, I guess. Pretty dim though. Since I sat kinda far, we couldn't really listen to what they were saying but I got my certificates and stuff. The food was not soo greattt. Chicken patty with tomatoe sauce?? The pasta was good however. Kevin took my LAST LEMONNNNN for the ice teaaaa! Omgosh. I had to steal one from Nicole's table. Anyways, I saw Francis and Ana! They were there for Authur's sister and Francis is taller than me now! Damnit. It was so nice seeing everyone so dressed up like WDK, Nicole, Carrie, Sandy, Jonathan, Authur, Kevin, Ken and so on... See how I put the girls first? xD

I don't like our sweaters for bball! I mean the front is like a little corner and the font isn't even nice. It's like fading white with black inside. Not exactly pretty.

So yeah, my sister came home for the three-day-weekend and she brought along two of her roomates. Now, my mom kicked me out of my bed and I have to sleep in my parent's room since my bed is big enough for both of them. It's gonna be a longg weekendd. I came home from a mininum day and I had to clean! So tired but it was all worth it cause I got a watermelon slush and more to come... yesssss.

Shoutout to Jessica! ;)
Which reminds me. Jessica, during the magnet banquet, they had a slideshow with pictures of magnet people and then Maria put the bball picture of me and you! I had to tell you that.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bus Drivers

That bus driver was such a bitch! Even though we were in front of the bus, he/she shook their head. So we had to wait a whole hour in the cold for another bus. Aish. I feel very..hmm.. sad? I don't know the word for it but yeah.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Dude, today was the most surprising day since foreverrr!

Okay, so after Finnie's dentist appointment, where me, Julie, and Finnie had a great time in the waiting room, we were walking down to buy food. And when we just crossed the street, a cop car was making a turn. Then the window comes down and the cop says to us "Hey, come over here for a sec." We thought we were in trouble or something! Just then, he takes out an ice cream bar! "You three should share it, I'm eating one right now, it's good." We three were so surprised, we kinda just stood there like forreallss?? hahaha. Then we took it and a car behind the cop's car beeped at them! ><

I'm not done, after that, we went to a gas station to buy food cause we were so hungryyy. We couldn't pick what to buy since only Finnie had money and it was three bucks. I guess Finnie said "But Julie, we only have 3 bucks" pretty loud cause then a guy that just paid for gas asked us if we needed money. I was thinking "Are you seriously gonna give us random money to some random teenagers??" But then Julie says "Oh, no." and he left. But WOW, he offered that's what counts. There is still nice and generous people out there!

Monday, May 11, 2009

<33 One

"After all the fire,
after all the rain,
I'll be the flame."

Best One Tree Hill quote of the seasonnnnn!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Euro Exam!

All I'm hoping for is a 3. All I ask is a 3! Please! (:

and a goodnight sleep.

Moving onnn, after the exam is my bball banquet. I'm not really looking forward to it. I just wanted to show my mom what I do afterschool most of the days. Mother's Day is on Sunday and my sister is coming from San Diego so we can get her something. Still don't know what to get her.

Aish, my dislike toward people is growinggg. lol

Snickers as a late night snack <33 Life's good.

Monday, May 4, 2009



Friday, May 1, 2009


Having AP Euro drains all your energy, especially since it's in the morning. Anyways, who's going to the Magnet Banquet? I'm going forsureeee. Well, I'm in the ticket collecting committee and the cleanup committee. I guess Imma have to stay after a bit. I'm not really looking forward to it right now, maybe cause the exam's coming up.

Soooo... I've been extremely snappy this week. I apologize if I did snapped at you. Too stressed out, you know? My left eye started twitching too. Super duper annoying.

Hm. I like hanging out with different people every now and then. It's somewhat refreshing and yeah, I like it.

I wonder why my mom never does anything about my sister. I think she's just too damn calm. Mother's Day is coming up and I have no idea what to get her. Maybe I'll know on Sunday when I go to the mall with her. mhmm..

Anyyywayyyyss, uhhhhhhhh, byeeees!

Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless.